38. Ready

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Last Authors Note: Hi everyone! This is officially the last chapter of Love The Way You Lie! I'm not crying you are! Anyways... I want to thank everyone for reading my book and showing me support. I truly couldn't have done it without you guys! I mean I reached 102k views! It's amazing! I had never taken the time to finish any of my stories, too scared that it wouldn't be good enough, but I finally did it!❤️
Sooo... for the last time,
Thank you,
And I love you 3000...
- Anne❤️
(P.S.: the song is to be played on a loop🤗)
I was engaged... Me! Emily Smith! Was engaged to this man. This man who I had known all my life. Who I had hated for so long only to realize that I was truly and madly in love with him. I knew this was a bit quick. I mean... I am 22, but... Tom is the person I want to share the rest of my life with.

I weakly opened my eyes to meet with my fiancé's ones. We had celebrated all night and had maybe slept four hours. Even though I was a bit sleep deprived, I had never felt more alive. A broad smile beamed on my face as he looked at me with a tender look. I brought my body onto his, straddling his lying figure. As I sat on him, I couldn't help but slowly bring my lips onto his. The sun had filled my room with a golden glow and a blossoming feeling of serenity. We were in harmony, holding on to that kiss for eternity. I could feel a smile forming on his face as I slowly pulled away to look at him.

"Morning future husband..." I whispered with a joyful tone.

"Morning future wife..." he whispered back. "I'm happy... I AM OVER THE MOON HAPPY!" He shouted as he suddenly turned me over to tower me. I giggled at his excitement as he locked me in his arms as he hovered over me.

"I love you Bug-Boy..." I said tracing down his squared jawline with the tip of my finger before resting it against his bottom lip. He took the opportunity to quickly take it between his teeth, bitting me slightly which made me burst out laughing. We both laid there for another hour, enjoying the morning before going back downstairs.

"Morning Mrs Holland, Mr Holland..." mocked Harry as we entered the kitchen.

"Soon to be Mrs Holland!" I corrected him as Tom embraced me from behind. "Wait... we gotta find a date for the wedding! Why didn't I think of that!?" Tom and his brothers all shared a look as he separated his body from mine to grab a chair. There was a suspenseful silence in the room as I squinted my eyes at each boy to see who would break first.

"ToOom..?" I innocently asked as I sat on his lap. "What are you not telling me?" I said straight into his eyes. All he could bring himself to do as a response was taking a sip from a mug sitting next to him. Not wanting to answer me, he kept his lips attached to the ceramic glass, drinking his tea with his innocent doe eyes locked into mine. "Tom! Answer me!" I spat laughing as I playfully hit his arm.

"No! All I'm going to say is that we... need... to get ready." He smiled as he tried finding the right combination of words to not reveal anything.

"What do you mean?" I wondered as I looked at everybody else, looking for clues. I finally met Sam's eyes and dared him into a staring contest, knowing I would break him.

"It's your last surprise!" Sam rapidly blurted out after a minute of pure silence between us, followed by disappointed moans from his brothers. "I'm sorry ok!? She's got a really intense stare! It's not my fault!" He laughed.

"Sooo... what's the surprise?" I innocently asked, hoping for a bit of information.

"Nope! You are not getting any more information from any of us until we arrive at the surprise!" Tom quickly stood up, bringing me back on my feet before throwing me over his shoulder and giving my butt a small spank.

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