35. For now

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AUTHORS NOTE! Hi guys! The song I choose is meant to play on repeat! It is on Spotify! This song means a lot to me... why? Because it was written, sang and produced by my very own best friend Freddy. She's this amazing rising artist and I'm so glad to share our journeys together. Enjoy this chapter!❤️
I looked at the starry night sky and felt peaceful. Tom's hand was gently resting on my thigh as he drove us in the dark. The cold air of summer nights was brushing my hair back as I kept my window down, smelling the mixture of freshly cut grass and blossomed flowers. A soft melody played on the radio, filling me with comfort. The wooden colour of Tom's irises was drowned in the black of his dilated pupils. He had a soft smile placed on his lips as he gently rubbed circles on my naked skin. I felt happy to sit here. I replayed Tom's speech in my head over and over again. His words brought me back to our first moments. The first time I won a soccer match against him... the first time HE won a soccer match against me. Our family beach days where we would all laugh while Tom and I made funny faces to each other, denying our affection to one another. The first time I got bullied and he held me in his arms while I cried afterwards. Our first fists fight... and before you ask, yes, I won! I thought back of my moments spent with Sammy and Harry too, as we played games in the Hollands yard. The happiness that Sam felt as I gave him his first chef apron. Fun fact: to this very day, he is still wearing it! (I gave it to him when we were 13 years old! We had the extend the trends to fit him because he wouldn't replace it!) I thought of the smile they all had on their faces as Paddy came home for the first time. The light in Tom's eyes as he took him into his arms. I felt the same happy tinkle rest in his stare as he took the back of my hand to place a small kiss on my knuckles. A pink natural blush appeared on my cheeks as he placed our hands back down on my thigh. I looked back on the first time Tom declared his interest in me. I remembered the way his lustful eyes had haunted my mind for days. With the smallest strokes he had planted on my skin, I thought I would have collapsed. The thought of our first night... my first time... sent shivers down my spine. The memories of our teasing games made me smile and blush even more. I glanced at the love of my life as flashes of the past kept hitting me.

"Tom..." I whispered, breaking this peaceful silence that had carried us through the night.

"Yes darling..." he softly answered, keeping his concentration on the road.

"I love you..." I smiled as I felt a warmth draped over me.

"I love you too my Love..." he glanced at me lovingly.

"Thank you..." I weakly spoke as I looked down at or hands intertwined.

"Why are you thanking me Darling..?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows and a little curious smile on his lips.

"I— it's been a very long time since I haven't felt this happy. You have stayed by my side... during all my tough times... even when we weren't together or hated each other." I chuckled at our innocence as a couple of tears pearled down my face. "In a way... our little rivalry always distracted me from my troubled thoughts... I don't know what will happen after tonight... or in two days, or in two years... but, for now, I just want to stay here with you... to sit here, next to you as we drive through the dark, to our house..." I sobbed a little, overwhelmed by the love Tom was giving me.

"We are not going home..." he said with a suspicious smile as he pulled over on the side of the road.

"Wh-what...?" I asked, confused as he leaned forward, kissing softly my lips and retrieving from the embrace to move away a strand of hair from my puffy face.

"I meant every word I said at the restaurant... I love you Emily. You- you make me the happiest I've ever been." He kindly said as he wiped away both of our tears. "But... for now... I have a little present for you..." He said, reaching to the back seat and revealing a long glossy box to place it on my legs. "Remember this..?" He smirked as he opened the box where was resting the blindfold he had given me on our first date.

"Of course... wait why are you-" I shot him a curious look as I giggle at the gift.

"Put it on..." he grinned with a chuckle.

"Tooom..?" A worried smile crooked my lips as I looked down at the silk band.

"Put it on!" He nudged, laughing as I squinted my eyes before covering them with the black fold.

"Ok. I officially can't see. Now what?" I laughed, moving my hands to feel my surroundings. "Oh! Wait! I know that..." I smirked as I acted innocent, placing my hand on Tom's inseam. He gasped a little as I palmed the tight fabric of his trousers.

"Baby... keep it in your pants." He giggled as he took my wrist to lay my hand back on my leg.

I shifted in my seat a little as I heard Tom's car door open. A small childish smile was placed on my rosy lips as I drummed and hummed in waiting. A couple seconds later, I heard the same noise to my side.

"Ok Darling! I got you, ok?" Tom rhetorically said as his warm hands pulled my knees towards him. I slowly step out into the unknown environment. I was excited but also a bit scared as I was completely blinded. I giggled uncontrollably, getting more nervous at every step. I honestly had no idea where we were going. I placed my full trust into Tom's hands. He placed his soft palm at the limit of my backless dress. His thumb rubbing my lower back was a gesture that always calmed me down. I took a few unbalanced steps before getting the hang of walking with my eyes closed. I gripped Tom's other arm which was steadying me. He kept encouraging me and reassuring me at each step. I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Tom! Where are we?! Also... when can I take this off?" I laughed softly as he giggled at my low patience and high excitement.

"Ok... do you trust me?" I nodded at his question. Soon after, he hooked his arm under my legs to carry me. I gasped at the sudden change of position as I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck. The smell of his cologne tickled my nose. I buried my head in the crook of his neck to embrace his sweet scent. I left small kisses along his familiar jawline as he giggled.

"Em! Stop! It tickles!" He laughed. I loved his giggles. He sounded so adorable and cute.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?!" I asked bouncing a little to annoy him.

"Stop it Donkey! I'm trying to go up some stairs!" He laughed at my reference and I could feel his step widening a little as he walked up the stairs.

After a couple more feet, he slowly placed me down on my heels as I kept my arm hook on him to keep my balance. I was completely lost! Last time I could feel chairs around me, but now, nothing.

"Can I take it off now..?" I worriedly asked Tom as I stood steadily on my own in the middle of an unfamiliar room.

"Yes..." he whispered, inches away from me as he slipped up the blindfold.

"Oh My God!" I squealed at the reveal as I shot both hands to my mouth. My heart filled at the surprise.

I couldn't believe where I was standing...

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