22. It's my fault...

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Tom's leg was constantly bouncing as he was stressed. I placed my hand on his knee which made him stop as he softly smiled at me as I smiled back, reassuring him. We were all sitting at the table, when I looked at Tom, ready to take a step into the light and possibly risk hurting my best friend. Tom took my hand and smiled at me as I was strongly tightening my grip. It was time. No turning back. I knew that the tension that was earlier resting between us was still floating around. Or at least I thought.

"Guys... I have some... ummm... news. I gotta tell you something." I said as I stood up, making everyone look at me confused, then surprised as they saw Tom holding my hand.

"What's going on?" Asked Sam with a bothered look on his face.

Tom looked deep into my eyes and stood up with me. His eyes were once again glistening. All traces of anger or disappointment were gone, all that was left in his eyes was hope and love. I knew from that moment on, whatever happened, my heart belonged to this man. My heart now belonged to my enemy, my love, my Tom.

"I'm in love with Emily." Said Tom, never breaking eye contact as tears started forming in my eyes.

Everyone was dead silent until Sam burst out laughing, making Tom and I really confused.

"You're joking right!? YOU TWO! HAHAHAH!", laughed Sam as Harry gave us a worried look.

"Sam... Sam! I'm in love with him..." I said with a serious tone as I snapped Sam out of his laughter.

"What...? No it's not possible! You hate each other." Said Sam as his face turned to a slightly confused angry expression.

"No... I'm sorry Sammy. We didn't plan for this to happen mate but... it's true. I'm in love with her." Said Tom as he placed a hand around my waist.

"What the bloody hell is going on!? How could you love each other?! Em! You've seen him in relationships! He's a player! He's just gonna use you and leave you when he's done." Said Sam with a disgusted look on his face as he looked directly at Tom who was now clenching his jaw.

"It's not like that." Said Tom as he tried to control himself.

"Oh yeah!? So you didn't do ANYTHING before getting serious?!", shouted Sam, making us booth look at each other. "He's gonna break your heart! I bet all you want to do is fuck her a little and then move to another girl in a week!" Spat Sam as he got his face closer to Tom.

"THAT'S IT!" yelled Tom before pushing me aside and punching Sam.

"STOP!" I screamed as Tom and Sam started fighting.

"BOYS! THAT'S IT! STOP IT!" yelled Nikki as she tried to separate them.

As they both kept on throwing punches at each other and banging against the walls, I decided to grab a bucket of cold water. If they weren't gonna listen to me now, they sure would after this.

They were now in the backyard as Harry and Dom were trying to, unsuccessfully, break them up.

"Move!" I yelled to Dom and Harry who saw the bucket in my hands and immediately backed away.

I sprayed both idiots with the freezing water, which made them both stop. They both looked at me as they wiped the water off their faces.

"That's enough! Sam! I can make my own decisions! Yes, Tom might not have the best background when it comes to dating, but frankly, I DON'T CARE! I love him! And I'm sorry! But you will have to deal with it! And Tom! I have told you a million times that fighting never fixes things! It only breaks them! So when you TWO IDIOTS decide to grow the fuck up! Call me. Before that! I don't want to talk, see or text either of you. When you have settled this childish fight, then we can talk! Good day!" I finished saying with so much anger in my lungs as I threw the bucket on the ground and walked away.

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