32. Memories

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I woke up a bit wrecked after an... intense night with Tom. Let's just say that I paid for my actions... I looked at my love as the weak sunlight shined on his flexed back as he was sleeping flat on his stomach with his arm hooked on my waist. I removed his grip from my body and slipped away. I quietly tiptoed to the closet grabbing Tom's pajama bottoms and his hoodie. I looked back at him and walked back to his sleepy figure and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, taking in the soft smell of his chocolate curls. I slowly walked out and went knock on Sam's door.

"Knock... knock... you up Sammy?" I whispered as I opened his door to reveal a sleeping Sam.

I quietly made my way to his bed and then jumped on top of him, causing him to shoot up from his bed.

"Don't EVER scare me like that! Oh god! I hate you so much!" He laughed as he sat up, rubbing away the sleep from his tired eyes.

"Shut up! You know you love me!" I pushed him playfully.

A warm feeling filled me up at the sight of my best friend. I had missed him so much. Have you ever felt so happy that you feel your chest opening? It was as if this happiness couldn't be contained by my body. My joy erupted onto Sam as I hugged him tightly making him fall back down.

"Ok let's go! We have a lot of catching up to do and scones to bake! I'll meet you downstairs!" Said Sam as he got up.

I was happy to spend this morning with him. We had to wake up early for some reason that Sam wouldn't tell me and had only 3 hours together before everyone woke up. We had started baking and of course, I made a mess when it came to pour the flour into the bowl! But the real mess was caused by Sam setting the speed of the mixer WAY too high, making everything explode on the ceramic counter. Lucky for us we were wearing aprons. It reminded me of the memories I had when Sam would invent new recipes. Back when we were kids, Sam would create inventive meals and I would watch him as he made weird experiences. It would often taste disgusting, but sometimes he would create something tasteful. That's how his passion started. I felt lucky to have been a part of his journey... here he was, all grown up, on his way to a prestigious internship at an extremely fancy restaurant.

"WAIT! So what's her name?" I asked as I scooped with my finger some of the mix to taste the dough.

"It's Freddy... She's a singer at the local pub. She's really sweet and yeah... now stop eating the dough or there won't be any left!" Ordered Sam as he slapped away my hand from the bowl.

"Hey! Fine... when do I get to meet her?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Nope. Hmm Hmm! I went on two dates with her! I'm not having you investigate her yet." He nodded as he cut the uncooked scones and placed them on a cooking sheet.

"Why not?!" I laughed. I always tried to protect my best friend from intense girls as he seemed to be a magnet for crazies.

"You know why! I find a girl I really like and then you snoop around and find something from her past and expose her!" He tilted his hand as he gestured his words making me laugh at the accuracy of his speech.

"Fine! Fine! But she better be a good one! Cause we both know how it ended with the other girl! I mean you looked really creepy without an eyebrow! Lucky for you it grew back but still..." I laughed as I sat on the stool at the kitchen island while Sam playfully pushed me. "Any more gossip I should know?" I chuckled as the atmosphere calmed down.

"Well... ummm... Harry is still with Liz, Paddy isn't dating anyone, and well Tom... oh yeah! He's with this really ugly bird!" He laughed which made me jump out of my seat to tickle his sides until he begged me to stop.

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