17. Harrison

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Haz's point of view:

Ok! So I don't really know where to start, so I'm just gonna say my version of the events. I was born on— NAH! I'm kidding!  What is important to know is that Tom and I have been best mates forever and I've known Emily for as long as I can remember! We all kind of saw her as our little sister that we needed to protect from the big bad world (even though she was already pretty scary when she got mad or competitive.) I loved them both and I always thought there was something between them, but everyone told me they hated each other. (I guess I was right!) Anyways! About a week before I walked in on them, Tom and I had talked about Emily:

"What do you think of Emily?" He had asked me randomly.

"She's hot, but I see her as like a sister! Why?" I said as I chuckled to his weird question.

"No reason. I mean she's beautiful and I just— forget it!" He said as he got off my couch to join me at the kitchen table, keeping his head down.

"Oh shit! You like her?!" I asked as the revelation hit me.

"Fuck no! She hates me! Plus who knows how Sam would react!", he lied as he started blushing.

"You didn't answer the question... do. You. Like. Emily?", I asked once more.

"It's complicated!"He laughed shyly.

"Oh my god! Tom!" I said smiling but with a disappointed tone. "You can't drag her into all this fame stuff. You know with all her anxiety bullshit and what if you guys break up!? You know what that will do to her!? I think—" I started saying before Tom interrupted me.

"Wait! That's what you're worried about!? Not the fact that she hates me and would never be with me!?", said Tom with his eyes wide open with confusion.

I stayed silent and noticed my face getting red. I'M NOT GOOD AT KEEPING SECRETS! BUT! I'm a loyal friend and I wasn't gonna tell Tom that I thought Emily had a crush on him because it wasn't my place to say anything!

"Mate...? What do you know?" Asked Tom with a suspicious look.

"Nothing..." I chuckled as I tried keeping the information to myself.

"Harrison Osterfield! What the fuck are you hiding!?" He screamed as he started chasing me in the house.

"Mate! I'm not telling you!" I yelled laughing as he started throwing pillows at me.

"WHAT DID EMILY SAY TO YOU!?" He yelled louder as he kept hitting me with a smile on his face.

"She didn't say anything! I swear!" I screamed as I protected my face from his attacks.

"Then what is it!?" He said as he stopped.

"I just think you two need to talk! You're a lot more alike than you think!", I finally admitted.

"But what if she doesn't feel the same way? I mean... I can't be like Hey Emily! By the way I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember and I think you're beautiful and you are the only person I want to love and... well... sleep with till we both can't feel our bodies!" He said, as he started with a mocking tone and finished with a serious tone. "Fuck... I think I love her..."

"WHAT!?", I yelled with a huge smile.

"I have to go! I think she's coming over after her classes with Sam. Thanks mate!", said Tom, lost in his thoughts as he left my apartment.

The next night Tom came in angry and started venting about what had happened in the past 24 hours. How he had almost kissed Em in the kitchen when things got pretty heated! Then later that night, he heard her in the shower and he didn't tell me what happened then. But then after her shower things got heated again, but they got interrupted by Sam. And then they got into a fight in the middle of the night about what had happened. BUT THEN HAD THEIR FIRST KISS! Then things got heated! AGAIN! But they ended up cuddling! And the next morning they had a teasing game during breakfast! (Lucky I wasn't there! I mean you are EATING! God! But they do have many MANY years of sexual tension to get out of their systems so... I get it...) and then I asked Tom NOT TO TELL ME what happened in the bedroom because, as I said before, Em is like my little sister so! Then he wanted to tell her that he was in love with her BUT GOT INTERRUPTED AGAIN! And eventually I think Nikki asked Emily if she wanted to move in! She said yes! Then later on he had walked in on her crying because of her parents. And he made a long monologue about how much he actually cared about her but forgot to say the 3 MOST IMPORTANT WORDS and everything went to shit! AGAIN! And then he came here.

I wonder how much space I would have in my brain if I didn't know all of this...? Anyways! A lot more happened after that. But that night Tom told me something that I will never forget:

"Even when I hate her, I love her. Harrison... I don't know what to do. I keep trying but it's like the uni—"

"DO NOT SAY that the universe is trying to keep you apart!"

"But it is!", he said as I saw tears form in his eyes.

"It's not the fucking universe! It's the lack of communication between you too!", I yelled as I saw how miserable he was. "Look mate. What do you want? Really? Because if YOU don't know what you want, what makes you think she does?!"

"I want to be with her! I want to be with her all the time and just... never let go. I want to spend my life with her..." Tom said with a hopeful tone.

"Well... I think you know what to do... No matter what happens, you have to keep fighting for her." I said as I gave him a friendly hug and then Tom left to fix things. He was still angry and told me that he would think about it. Tom is probably the most stubborn person you will ever meet! So when he's angry, he can stay mad at you for a LONG time. Accept with Emily... she was his weakness. It was sweet...

So! Let's jump to the morning after the three idiots birthday party. We had come home the night before after Emily and Tom. Emily had taken my bed and Tom was lying on the couch. After a couple of hours, he woke up and started making noises in the kitchen. I got up and opened the guest room door to peek and saw him cooking! Tom! Cooking?! He was definitely planning something BIG because he never makes that much effort. Before going up to him I looked at the notifications on my phone. The press was all over these pictures and videos that fans had taken of Sam and Emily and we're saying they were officially dating! I was so confused and asked Tom if he knew anything about it, but before I could ask more questions, he had already left, frustrated. Then Emily woke up and did the same thing. She looked so sad and she was desperately trying to not get mad or cry. She was in such a hurry that she had left without her shoes. I decided to bring them to her. I had guessed that she went to Tom's house so I drove there and parked in front of his home. As I walked to the door, I saw that it was wide open. That's when I saw Emily and Tom kissing and then Tom was about to say something but like a dumb ass, I WAS THE ONE WHO INTERRUPTED THEM THIS TIME!

"WHAT THE FUCK!?", I yelled as I dropped Emily's shoes.

"UM! HAZ THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! I PROMISE!" Emily said as she tried convincing me.

"He knows..." said Tom looking down.

"WHAT!? You told him! About—"

"Yope" Tom said.

"And then when we—"

"Well I asked for no details but yes." I said with a small smile.

"Dear god! Tom you really can't keep a secret, can't you!?" Emily said as she walked to Tom with an angry pace and slapped his arm which made me laugh.

"And You!" she yelled as she turned to me with a frustrated look.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Please don't kill me!" I begged as I ran away.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?", she yelled as she threw a pillow from the couch on my head.

"Sorry!" I yelled with still a small smile on my face.

"Stop! It's not funny!" She chuckled.

"Come on Darling... it's a little funny...." Tom said as he hugged Emily from behind.

"You guys are cute. But you also make me sick..." I said with a serious expression.

We all laughed and eventually I decided to leave them to go check on Sam and Harry and make sure that they hadn't destroyed my apartment.

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