6. Maybe...

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"No! Of course it was gonna be the boyfriend!! It's always the boyfriend!" I screamed at Sam.

"Well it's bullshit! It was too obvious!" He screamed back.

"Well it's because of THIS story that the stereotype of the murderous boyfriend started! This plot was shocking back in the days! That's why it's a classic! And so... one of the best slasher movies ever!" Our voices kept raising more and more.

"No! The best slasher movie is Disturbia!" Sam was now pointing at the TV aggressively! I joined his gesture as I screamed:


"NO! MAMMA MIA!!" Sam screamed, while trying to hold back a smile.

After yelling more none sense, we both fell to the floor, laughing hysterically. I loved how we would fight for stupid little things like these and would always end up laughing with one another. We sat up on the couch and looked at each other while trying to catch our breath.

"Well! This was fun! Buuuuut...! I'm beat! Are you alright with sleeping on the couch?" Sam asked as he stretched his back standing up.

"Of course mate! I'm all set. I'll see you in the morning" I said with a yawn.

"Night idiot!" Said Sam as he kissed my head and left.
Ok. Alone. In the dark. With my thoughts. FUCKKKK! Why am I not falling asleep!? Oh right! Maybe that's because I can't get Tom's touch out of my head! God! Even when it came to pleasure this man drove me crazy! I wonder if he's asleep...? No! Just look at the ceiling and think of something else! Horror movies! Good! I always found it funny when people sleep together in movies. I mean whenever they do it, they are AUTOMATICALLY the next victims! It's so dumb! It's like: keep it in your pants! Although... I probably would do the same if I was stuck in a cabin in the woods with Tom... we would fuck until our bodies were numb! We would be constantly— Fuck! No! I can't do this!

I stood up and went to get myself a glass of water. God knows I needed holy water for all my dirty thoughts! As I leaned on the kitchen counter, my mind drifted to the last two encounters I had with Tom... but this time, I looked at them differently. Why? That's what's bothering me! Why would he do all this? Just to mess with my head? But it didn't make any sense! Why would he— unless? No! He couldn't know! Could he!? The only two people that knew were Nikki and Sam! And Sam swore to secrecy!

Before I could stop myself, I was in front of Tom's room. I needed to know why! I opened his door angrily without even knocking and barged into his room, slamming the door behind me. He was lying shirtless under his covers when he looked at me confused.

"We need to talk!" I said with a serious and kinda scary tone.

"About.....?" Tom said still confused.

"Oh! I don't know!? How about the fact that the last TWO TIMES I saw you, you came onto me, and basically tried to fuck me!? What the fuck is that about!? I swear if this is some stupid game you're trying to play to mess with the fact that I'm a virgin! I will murder you! I don't even know how you found out about it, but stop messing with me!"

He just stayed there, eyes widened, in awe.

"You're a virgin...?" He asked softly as he got out of his bed.

"Yea—ye—yes... I thought— isn't that why you did— Oh my god! I'm such an idiot! I'm so embarrassed!" I turned back when I felt tears coming up. I was red with embarrassment! I felt a tear drop to the side of my face. I was about to reach the door, when I felt Tom gently take my arm and pull me to him.

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