Chapter 1: Road Trip Bonding

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Ryan's POV

We had been in the car for two hours. So far, the only sound had been from the passing cars and the engine. There wasn't even any music.

I was sitting in the passenger seat, Stefan was in the back and Klaus was driving. Stefan was currently asleep and I was bored. I had put the drawing of Emilio and Desdemona in my back pocket, safe. I had nothing to do, so I resulted to looking out of the car window, observing the trees and glaring at other cars, just for the sake of it.

"What was it?" Klaus asked, breaking the silence.

"What was what?" I questioned, confused. I didn't turn to look at him, but I could feel his eyes switching between me and the road ahead.

"The piece of paper that my brother had in his possession," Klaus clarified. I looked at the back to see Stefan still fast asleep. Therefore, I decided to finally tell someone else about my secret.

"It was a sketch I did a long time ago," I informed him, looking at his face, which looked handsome, almost as hot as mine, but no one could beat me.

"Why did you keep it, if it was from a long time ago?" Klaus interrogated, quickly sparing me a glance, before looking back to the road infront of us. Unlike others, he clearly knew how to drive a car. By looking ahead.

"It's of two people who mean the world to me," I explained simply. I diverted my gaze to back out the window, thinking about the two people who J loved more then anyone in the world.

"That still doesn't explain why you kept the drawing if it was just of your brothers," Klaus assumed.

"It wasn't of my brothers. I live my brothers, but not half as much as I loved them," I clarified.

"Loved?" Klaus pointed out to me.

"They died a long time ago," I informed him. The car ride went back to silence after that.


It was a little later. We were at a petrol station, having ran out of gas. Stefan was in the shop, paying for the gas and getting a "snack". By that, I meant he was going to terrorise some innocent girl or guy. Klaus had gone with him, after I asked for him to buy me some other snacks such as chocolate and candy.

I was in the car, having taken out the drawing from my back pocket. I was now looking at it, my eyes starting to tear up. A knock at my window caused me to get drawn out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Klaus looking at me.

"Are you alright, love?" He questioned, looking almost worried. I rapidly wiped my tears with the sleeve of my hoodie. I forced a smile.

"I'm fine," I claimed. He nodded his head, clearly not believing me, but not wanting to pry further. He walked over to the driver seat and got in, buckling his seat belt. Then, be handed me a plastic bag, which was most likely filled with snacks.

I quickly opened the bag and shuffled through the contents. Inside, was four chocolate bars (one plain, one salted caramel, and two cookies and cream), a packet of gummy bears, a box of Nerds, a pack of pencils and a book. Curious, I took the book out of the bag, discovering a sketchbook. I flipped through it, seeing only clear pages.

"I thought you might've liked to have a book to sketch in to entertain yourself," Klaus claimed. I smiled at him greatfully.

"Thanks," I thanked him. He nodded his head in understanding. I put the sketchbook back in the bag, before taking out the plain chocolate bar. I opened the wrapping before breaking off a row of chocolate and devouring it, hungry. I hadn't had any normal food for a while, and I was starting to crave it. I broke of the second row and was about to eat it, before I paused. I broke off two pieces and held it out towards the hybrid. He looked at it hesitantly before beginning to eat the first piece, before starting on the second piece.

Stefan soon came back and the car was silent again, except this time, it wasn't that awkward between Klaus and I.


Klaus' POV

About an hour into the car journey, Ryan fell asleep. He was next to me, soI kept sneaking glances at his handsome face, knowing he wouldn't notice. However, I had seemed to have forgotten about the other sibling, who was in the back of the car.

"What are you doing?" Stefan asked me, making me realise he could probably see me checking out his older brother.

"Nothing of your concern," I stated harshly, bringing my eyes back to the road infront of me.

"It is my concern when you're checking out my older brother," Stefan claimed. I glared at him in the rearview mirror.

"I don't know what you're on about, mate," I snarled threatening. Stefan just rolled his eyes and looked out the window.

Why was I checking Ryan out? I don't know. For some reason, I seemed to have care for him. I don't know why, but I did. I wasn't supposed to care. Not for anyone or anything. I was to uncaring, psychotic, murderous hybrid. But I did. I did care. For Ryan Salvatore.


I'm sorry but the next few chapters are going to be shorter then usual, since they're not based off of an episode, and there won't be much happening I them like usual. They're just going to be of Klaus and Ryan bonding with eachother and getting to know one another.

Worrd count: 956

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