Chapter 13: Klaus

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Elena's POV

I had been waiting for a while for Elijah to wake up. Previously, I had removed the dagger from his chest. Although I really didn't want to admit it, we needed his help. Not only was Bonnie willing to die for me, but Klaus had Ryan. Who knew what Klaus had done to him. I was worried sick. Sure, I broke his trust, but I still considered him my friend. He was too amazing not to.

I looked at Elijah. His suit was burnt and his skin was still grey, with dark grey veins. He looked awful. I drew my eyes to the open door, trying to see if Stefan or Damon were on their way down. If they did catch me, they wouldn't put the dagger back in Elijah's chest and he wouldn't be able to help us.

Suddenly, he gasped loudly, making me jump back in shock. I made my way over to the now awake-and-alive Elijah. He looked in a lot of pain, as his skin was still grey. They grey started to slowly fade away.

"Elijah. Elijah," I called out to him in a whisper, not wanting the remaining Salvatore brothers to know what I was doing.

"Katerina," Elijah stated, thinking I was my doppelgänger. It was wierd to think I was used to people mistaking me as someone else. It had almost become a habit for me to assure then I wasn't Katherine.

"Elijah. It's me. It's Elena," I told him. I then shushed him. His head lolled back and onto the floor. I wasn't quite sure of what was happening to him. I put my hand over his throat, trying to see if he had a pulse. He suddenly moved to the side, grunting. I moved out the way and watched as he began to get up, his bones cracking with every move he made. I was sitting on the floor by the time he was standing up properly.

"I can't--I can't breathe," Elijah told me, panting before falling to the floor again, "What's happening to me?"

"I-" I started, before Elijah attempted to vamp speed away, but fell down before he reached the room to the door. I ran forward, supporting his body.

"I can't--I can't--I can't be in this house," Elijah told me. Then, I realised what the problem was.

"You're not invited in," I stated out loud.

"Get me out of here," Elijah ordered me. I was half expecting a sarcastic comment, before I realised that Ryan was somewhere else. Elijah sped into a wall, before speeding out of the room and out of the hallway. I ran, trying to catch-up with him, even though I probably wouldn't be able to, considering he was a vampire.

I reached the front door to see Elijah crouching by the open door, just outside if the house. I was about to rush forward to help me, when I realised that he would most likely attempt to harm me if I stepped any further. Elijah looked up at me, before trying to vamp speed towards me. However, he was blocked by an invisible boundary.

"What happened?" Elijah asked me.

"Shh," I told him, bringing a finger to my lips to indicate silence. I pointed upstairs, to where I thought Stefan and Damon were, before pointing to my ear. He followed the direction my finger was pointing, up to the ceiling.

"I'll tell you. Not here. Can I trust you?" I whispered to him.

"Can I trust you?" He whispered back, his face fixed with an angry glare. I tried to try and figure out something I could do to show he could trust me. I handed the dagger out towards him, blade pointing towards me. He cautiously took it away from me. He looked at the dagger, before glancing up at me.


Klaus' POV

Ryan still hadn't woken up yet. If anyone asked me, I would say it fidget bother me. But it did. I was extremely worried and I didn't even know why. I hadn't known Ryan for more than a day, yet for some reason, I seemed to care a little about him. That was what scared me. I couldn't get attached. I was in Mystic Falls for one reason, and one reason only. I was going to break the curse.

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