Chapter 30

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The new year came and I had high hopes for two-thousand and sixteen. Before we knew it, January had quickly come to an end. 

The atmosphere was bittersweet. It was our five hundredth and one show since we began touring. But it was Ben's final show as well. 

"Hey, Indi," Jeff called.

"Hey, Mr. C. What's up?"

"So, tonight the cast's planning a little thing after the curtain call to send Ben off. I was wondering if you would say something when I ask you to?"

A cold chill ran through me and not because the air conditioning had just turned on. "Yeah. I'd love that, thank you."

"Great, thank you. I didn't think there was a better person for the job." he smiled. "I'll let you finish up. Ten minutes until places." 


As we began the curtain call dance sequence, I looked at Ben before I had to go out.

"One more time."

"One more time. Let's do this, girlie."

Any time I was with Ben, I shot him a look, seeing his usual bright smile on his face. He was enjoying every last second.

Something I was doing my best with.

We got backstage before we had to bow and I threw my arms around him. I was going to miss our post-bow hug ritual severely.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you more." His arms squeezed me tighter.

As we ran out to bow, I ran before Ben, and he came out in a front handspring. He motioned toward me as always and I took my bow, repeating his action as it came to his turn.

He took longer than usual as it was his last as Race, but it wasn't his last as a Newsie. He was a Newsie forever, like the rest of us. He looked around at the audience, bowing once more. 

I took his hand and bowed with him and we ran up the apparatus. I threw my arms around him again, not wanting to let go. A tear slipped out of my eye. 

"I'm going to miss you so much." 

"I'm going to miss you too," I whispered. 

Joey came out for his bow and the whole cast took their final bow together. The audience continued to applaud as Mr. C came on stage. 

"Thank you, thank you. Please be seated. Thank you all for coming tonight. Tonight is a very bittersweet night for our cast and crew. We have a cast member leaving us, and anytime this is the instance, we like to give them a little send-off like this. Benjamin Cook will be joining the new Broadway musical, Tuck Everlasting. Ben, come down here." 

He wiped at his face as he made his way down the stairs, coming on stage again. The audience continually applauded. 

"And while we are elated for Ben, we are truly going to miss him. I've asked one of our other castmembers that is close to Ben to come down and give a little speech." 

I made my way down the stairs and Mr. C handed me his microphone.

Ben looked at me, his eyes glossing over. 

"Ben, don't look at me like that," I laughed, fighting off tears. 

The audience laughed. Ben smiled, wiping his cheek. 

"Ben, you are so many things to this cast. A friend, a little brother, an amazing triple threat; but to me, you're my boyfriend." I sniffed. "When I came on this tour, I never thought in a million years that I would find a boyfriend but here we are." 

Everyone laughed. 

"On behalf of the whole cast, when I say we're going to miss you, I truly mean it. I spoke to some of your closest friends during the break and before the show, and they all gave me a few things they wanted me to mention." I cleared my throat, hoping it would relieve the lump steadily growing. 

"From the inside joke about going to malls and finding watches, to taking pictures of us all and arguments about how superior bacon is to pasta, you'll always be in our fondest memories. I can't wait--I mean, we all can't wait to see how much you accomplish on Broadway and further on. We're so proud of you and we love you. Happy trails, baby. I love you." 

Applause echoed against the walls. Ben crossed to me, hugging me tightly and kissing me. I willingly returned it, tears falling from both of us.

With one more bow, Ben waved to the crowd. 

The curtain fell and we all collected ourselves and gathered into a group.

 Ben stood in the middle of us all. It was time. The time I had been dreading more than my speech; his official send-off.

Someone started the note and we started singing "Happy Trails." My voice cracked a few times due to the lump in my throat. I was doing my best to fight off the tears that were steadily growing in my eyes.

Ben's eyes caught mine as we sang and though the light was dim, I could tell his eyes held more unshed tears.

I had to look away so I wouldn't start full-on sobbing. We ended the song with applause and everyone took turns hugging him.

I came up and we ran to hug each other.

"I'm going to miss you so much," I said.

"I'm..." his voice cracked. "Going to miss you too,"

I pulled away, letting others get to him, knowing we would spend time together later.


As I prepared for bed that night, a knock on the door came.

I opened it and saw Ben. "Hey, Indi."

"Get in here," I laughed.

He walked in and enveloped me in a hug. "I don't want to leave you."

I wiped a stray tear away. "I don't want you to leave, either, but Ben, this is Broadway. You're going to be on Broadway, not just touring! This is a crazy opportunity. You have to go."

He sighed. "I know. I'm just going to miss you so much. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

We stayed that way for minutes on end. Just standing at the door, arms around each other. The door opened and Melissa walked in.

"Okay, Ben, I have nothing against you being in here, but it's eleven-forty-five. You need to get to bed. You have a flight in the morning."

I hesitantly pulled away from the warm, comforting embrace. "She's right, as much as I don't want you to leave, you need to get some rest."

He nodded. He leaned in and it wasn't long before it turned into a full-on kiss.

"Okay, you two. Break it up."

"Goodnight, Benny. I love you."

"Goodnight, beautiful. I love you too."

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now