Chapter 8

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Our time in the studios had ended. It was time for us to head to Proctors for the previews.

Since my aunt lived three hours away from Schenectady, she was going to get a hotel room and bring all of my things with her. She was going to stay with me as we rehearsed since I was only sixteen. She had been quite adamant about that. 

We got on the tour bus and began our trip to Schenectady, New York. It was only three or so hours away so thankfully it wasn't that long. I sat by Sky, with Ben and Josh sitting across from us. After a while of traveling, we came to a rest stop. Everyone took care of any business they needed to and piled back on the bus.

"Okay, that's it. I have got to sit by a window. I can't stand this anymore." Sky said.

He had looked a little pale before we got off and I was starting to worry. His face had the smallest bit of color in it, but not much.

"Here, let's swap," I said.

"No, you stay there. Ben, switch with me,"

I faked my feelings being hurt. "You don't want to sit with me anymore? I thought we were friends, Sky."

He rolled his eyes and gestured for Ben to get up. They swapped and Ben and I ended up sitting together and Josh and Sky did.

"Okay, guys, I want a picture. Everyone smile!" I pulled my camera out and took the picture.

"You like taking pictures, don't you?" Ben asked, chuckling. "You've been doing it quite a lot,"

"Yeah. I mean, this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I have to make sure I have some type of documentation. Do you like taking pictures? I mean, you've been taking a good bit, yourself."

He nodded. "I love photography. Maybe we could do some kind of shoot when we get to Connecticut."

I nearly squealed. I had never done anything like that before and it was on my bucket list. "That would be great."

He smiled widely, eyes lighting up.

We were already back on the road and I hadn't paid any attention to that fact. I looked at the picture and everyone was in it. But then I didn't see Zach.

"Hey, where's Zach? He's not in the picture," I said. "I could've sworn I saw him get on."

Everyone started looking around but it was evident that Zach wasn't with us.

"Maybe he got on the other bus after he finished doing what he needed?" Ben said.

I texted Steph since she was on the other bus and she said Zach wasn't there.

Out of nowhere, I heard laughter in the back of the bus.

"What is it?" Anthony, who was playing Les, asked.

"Zach's at the rest stop still! He just posted it on his social!" one of the guys laughed. "He's hashtagged it 'abandoned by Newsies'."

We all started laughing and alerted the driver. We'd already been driving for who knows how long!

We turned around after taking a wrong exit and made our way as fast as we could back to the rest stop. Zach stood on the side of the road with his water bottle in hand, frowning.

The bus doors opened and we all clapped as Zach walked in.

"Crutchie's saved from the Refuge!" 

We all laughed.

"Gee, thanks, guys, I'm so touched. I know if I ever go missing, everyone will notice right away," Zach sarcastically said.

That was a memory that I hoped I would have for the rest of my life. 

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now