Chapter 3

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I walked into the room once again like yesterday, more nervous than before. This was the day. This was my only shot. I wasn't going to mess it up. I was going to do my best.

"Hey, Indi!" I saw Ben and Josh waving.

I walked over. "Hey, guys! How are you?" I shed my outer clothes once more and started stretching beside Josh.

"Good," they both replied.

"Nervous?" I asked them.

They both nodded the smallest bit, seeming ashamed to answer. 

"Me too," I muttered.

We finished stretching in silence. Christopher came out once again and we stood in lines.

"Alright, you all know the drill. Guys and girls." 

We all obeyed and the guys were escorted to another room.

"Ladies, you have the floor. We will call your names out and you'll come to perform your routine," he said. 

Girls were called up one by one, and they were all wonderful. There was not a shortage of talent in the room, that was sure. It came my turn and I danced my heart out. My routine had moves from ballet, contemporary, and some jazz. I added my pirouettes in just for good measure and I finished.

"Thank you all so much. Now, we're going to go over both guys and girls, so it will be a while. Stay here at the building though, so in case it runs shorter than what we are expecting. Thank you, you're all dismissed."

I knew it was going to be agonizing waiting for the results but at least I had friends to talk to. I walked out and saw Josh and Ben sitting down. They came to me. "How'd it go?" they asked.

"It went great! I nailed my pirouettes, and I didn't make any mistakes, no wobbles, so I'm happy about that. Now the wait is going to be what's bad,"

They nodded. "Hey, Ben here told me you had killer pirouettes. Can I see them?" Josh asked.

I turned to Ben. "You only saw one of my pirouettes." I laughed.

He shrugged. "Eh, I could still tell you're awesome at them. Do them."

I smiled. "Okay." I got into position and started my pirouettes. I did four of them in a row. When I finished, the boys clapped.

"Wow, Ben was right! Those are killer!" Josh said.

"I'm sure yours are better. I just like doing them. But thank you."

"Hey, why don't we dance to get our minds off of the wait. See how many of something we can do?" Ben proposed.

We agreed to it. Before we knew it, we were being called back into the room. We stood in our lines and groups again.

Christopher along with others that had been with him stood in front of us. "Now," he started. "We're going to do things a bit differently. If your name is called, you will be asked to stay behind; that meaning you have a part in Newsies. Well, let's get to it. These are called out in no particular order. I'm not going to torture you guys anymore,"

There was scattered laughter across the room but mostly silence.

"Here we go; DeMarius Copes. Nico De Jesus." Names were being called off one after the other. Only one girl had been called so far. I guessed that meant the spot was taken.

"Joshua Burrage. Benjamin Cook. Sky Flaherty,"

I was so happy to hear that Ben and Josh were accepted. Christopher called out a bunch of others and came to the final name. "And India Logans."

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now