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Curiosity gets the better of me. So, after our leadership class I tell Eden I'm going to the library to study. Thankfully, she doesn't question me. And I make the long walk to the library alone, using the map Sybil gave me.

After the librarian issues me a key card, I search every row of the library looking for Lucas. And I'm about to give up when I find him nonchalantly leaning against a shelf of books reading the bible of all things.

"Isn't there some law against you being able to read that? Like, shouldn't you spontaneously combust or something?"

"Ha. Ha. You're so funny I forgot to laugh," he replies dryly. Closing the bible and setting it back on the shelf he got it from.

"What do you want? Why did you ask me to meet you here?" I ask.

The quicker he gets to the point, the quicker I can get back to my friends.

Closing in on me, Lucas reaches for my necklace and grabs hold of the pendant. He twists it a few times and it reshapes to form a key. Then he writes an address and an account number on it.

I didn't even know my necklace could do that.

Then he examines the ring Ethan gave me and scoffs.

"Everything you need to know about our life together... you'll find it there," he tells me. Then he just... vanishes.

What is up with my taste in guys?

I mean, do I have a type, or what?

You know...


Emotionally unavailable.


Staring at the key around my neck, I check a few books out of the library on Vessels Mrs. DeAngelis suggested. Then I head to my room to get a head start on my homework. Only, Eden, Ethan, and the Syndicate are standing outside my room, waiting for me.

"It's about time," Eden rolls her eyes. "What took you so long? And don't tell me you were actually studying."

"No. I wasn't. I met up with Lucas," I confide.

Ethan whips head in my direction. A look of betrayal on his face. And I know what he's thinking. He's afraid history is repeating itself.

Looking back and forth between us, Eden groans, "I take it back... please tell me you were studying."

"Why?" Ethan's wounded gaze meets mine. "Why would you..."

Thinking better of confronting me, he stops talking. But he's still shaking his head. And the only thing worse than knowing what he's thinking is not knowing.

"I was curious," I shrugged. "We have history together and I wanted to know what that was."

"Had you have asked me I would've told you."

"Some things are better coming directly from the source. Like blood."

"No offense, Ali, but you don't know Lucas like I do. He will play on your vulnerabilities. Hell, there's a reason his father is the father of lies. It's who they are. And any truth they deal in will be half-truths. You can't trust him," Ethan heaves a frustrated sigh.

Only, I don't know what the big deal is.

And when his expression goes blank, my heart sinks a little. Because this is what he does. When I need him to open his mouth and tell me how he feels, he holds back. Whatever his reason is, I hate this.

"If you have something to say, Ethan... say it."

He meets my gaze, but he says nothing. Even his eyes are cold and expressionless now. And I hate this side of him. Mostly because I can't reach him when he's like this. He's closed himself off.

"Study session in Ethan's room," Eden swoops in to stop us from arguing.

Taking my books out of my hands, she hands them to Ethan, who takes them without complaint, and we all walk to Ethan's room. Which is on the top floor of an adjacent building and directly across from Lucas' room. I find that out when I see Lucas standing shirtless inside his room doing curls with some weights. His front door wide open.

As if he needs more muscle.

Pushing him and his sinful body to the back of my mind, I follow Eden into Ethan's room and holy shit. When you first walk in there's a seating area complete with black tufted, high back, leather sitting chairs, a matching loveseat, and modern silver colored steel furniture with a vintage feel to it. His floors are the same dark wood as mine, but parts of his floors are covered with black, white, and gray rugs. Even the paintings on the wall are the same black, white, and gray color, but they're very... him.

Very sterile.

Very controlled.

Just beyond the sitting area, there's a grand piano next to a large floor to ceiling window. Along with a violin, a cello, and a guitar.

Eden and the other's find seats in the sitting area and break out the books. But I'm too intrigued by the meticulous, artistic nature of Ethan's room to focus on my schoolwork now. I continue into his bathroom, which has sort of a nautical theme to it. With hues of navy blue woven into the black, white, and gray.

His room is very neat. So neat, you wouldn't think anyone lived here. Especially his bedroom. Which... wow. He too has a four-poster bed, but all his furniture is black. Even the fur rug at the foot of his bed. Though, it's the picture on his nightstand that captures my attention the most.

It's a photo of the two of us.

He's hugging me from behind and we've both got this wide smile on our faces. A smile I rarely see on him nowadays. And I'm pretty sure it's my fault. Because from what I can see, Ethan truly loves me. I can't imagine him doing anything to hurt me. Which is why I turn to go make peace with him, only to find him standing in the doorway watching me.

"I'm sorry," I apologize to him.

"For what?"

"For Lucas... and for hurting you."

He sighs heavily, but his expression remains unreadable.

"It wasn't your fault entirely," he confides. "I played my part in what happened between us."

"What did happen between us?" I asked, curious.

"Lucas got into your head, and I got scared. I tried to control you thinking I could stop what was developing between the two of you. But it was a bad move on my part. It drove you straight into his arms," he takes a break to swallow hard. "Then you told me you needed space, I found out you were with Lucas, and you disappeared a few months later."

"Why would you just let me go? Why not fight for me?"

"The harder I fought, the more you pulled away, Ali. And the pain... it... it was excruciating. You made it clear you didn't want to be with me, despite... well... you were just happier with Lucas, and I wanted you to be happy. So... I let you go."

Despite what?

The pain in his eyes tells me how hard it was for him to let me go. It also shows how much he truly loves me that he would sacrifice his happiness for mine.

And I selfishly let him.

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