『chapter twenty-five🌈』

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Minho groaned as he felt an heavy object falling onto his back. He had been sleeping peacefully until that moment. The object was infact not an object but instead of that one of his cats...

He turned around to lay on his back and pulled Soonie over. "I'm getting old", he chuckled and kissed the head of his beloved animal. He opened the window to let fresh air in and kissed his other two cats on the head as well.

He opened the door and found a desperate Chan sitting with the back turned towards him and whispering "how the hell am i supposed to do that?". Infront if him was a pan and a bowl while he was scrolling on his phone.

"Uhh...can i help you?", Minho asked confused. Why the fuck was he sitting on the kitchen floor?

"Minho!", the older turned around shocked, "why are you awake this early?"

"The cats woke me up...but that doesn't answer my question..."

"Uh...so you see...I'm quite dumb so I-"

"I know."

"...I wasn't finished with the sentence but thank you. I can give that back!"

Then Chan stood up, placed his phone onto the counter and walked up to Minho. "Happy Birthday, buddy!", he smiled and pulled Minho into a hug. "You are old now", the older laughed and continued, "well...I wanted to make pancakes for breakfast, but we both know that you are the better chef, so I had to watch a YouTube tutorial on how to make them...so I followed step by step. But I only got the dough...then I got confused and sat on the floor because I didn't want to mess up."

"Awww thank you, Channie. But for real...you can produce the best music but not even use a pan and a stove properly", Minho laughed and earned a slap on the arm.

Their morning went quite peaceful. Making breakfast together and eating it after that together while talking about everything that would come to their minds.

His lunch spend Minho at his parents'. After leaning his bike on the wall of the house, he entered the living room and was greeted by his parents.

It wasn't anything special...just the normal questions: "Do you study enough? How are the cats? Did you get a girlfriend yet?"
He last question made Minhos stomach turn over. How would he admit to have a boyfriend in the future? At least this is what he was wishing for...

He couldn't say what his parents would think about him when he came out as...well he wasn't sure...maybe bi but probably gay...confusing this whole sexuality stuff...

They even explained that they are friends with parents of a real nice girl in his age...but he declined...because of obivious reasons...named Han Jisung.

After that he directly went to dance practice and was greeted by two hyperactive individuals he called friends.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY", Hyunjin and Felix shouted as soon as Minho entered the room and pulled him into a group hug.

The others out of his dance group wished him a great birthday as well when he went into the corner he and his friends put their stuff. He sat down and Felix gave him two present. "Open them! They are equally from Hyunjin and me!", he smiled excited.

Minho removed cautiously the green wrapping paper from a box. The box wasn't anything special but when he opened it, the smell of fresh cookies came out of it. He took a closer look.

Cookies in cat and squirrel form.


Felix grinned as he saw Minhos face. "You know...a cat because you like cats...and the squirrels....because of obivious reasons...IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?!?"

Minho got shy and giggled as he hugged Felix."That's so cute. Thank you!", he said.

Then he opened the other present Hyunjin gave to him. "This took a lot of time...so I hope you like it!", Hyunjin said with a smile on his face.

Minho pulled the present out of it's wrapping paper and was shocked by how much time the other two spend on his present.

It normally was a calendar with only black pages to illustrate it by yourself stickers and photos but Hyunjin and Felix already did. Each month was a picture of his cats and one of the three together as a group and a lot of stickers and cute fonts.

"You did that by yourself?", he asked surprised. "Yes, Felix did the month from Januar to June and I did the other half!", Hyunjin smiled.

Minho couldn't put into words how cared about he felt by his friends and hugged them both. "I hope you like it! We don't want you to feel left out or less important in this friendship just because Felix and I are dating", Hyunjin said.

After dance practice he got home and took a shower. When he entered his room, his phone showed him the notification of a message.


Mr. Squirrel 🐿
Saturday 20:12

I hope you are exited!
I will "pick you up"
aka we go by bike
because you like it
And I kinda found interest in it as well
But surprisingly only if you are around as well
Soooooo be ready at 20:30
Oh and dress warmly!

I love you!|
I love y|
I lo|

Ha I knew you would gonna love to go by bike!
I will wait infront of the building.


Minhos heart skipped a beat when he read the message...it almost sounded like... a date? But whatever...not that he would complain...

Now the question was...how warm was to dress warm? Whatever...he chose to wear two shirts under his warmest hoodie, a scarf, his jacket and anything that would keep him warm.

When he stood outside with his bike in his hand he leaned from foot to the other and as he saw a small silhouette of a human on a bike coming close, he couldn't help but smile like an idiot.

"Minhoooooo", Jisung exclaimed as he stopped the bike right infront of the older. "Look! I borrowed this bike from Seungmin. So you don't have to worry about me breaking every rule in the traffic order!"(or however it is translated...here in Germany it is the good old: "Straßenverkehrsordnung!"

"LET'S GO!", he started cycling leaving a confused Minho behind.

🐚⋆ฺ。 𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 . ฺ.✧
✩. ฺ.ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴡᴏʀᴛʜ ɪᴛ!ೃ❀🕊️

Have a great day!

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