Chapter 1

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"Your homework for tonight is to read pages 331 to 352." My teacher, Mrs. Danes said just before the final bell rang. I was currently in year 13, because my mom had me start school late. I started a year after everyone else, making me 19.

"Miss Lyman, may I speak with you?"

"Yes. Of course." She waited until everyone was out of the classroom and closed the door.

"I understand you will be leaving on Saturday and will be gone for 3 months. Is that right?"


"I understand Claire is a big part of your life now, but you need to keep your priorities straight, and school should be first."

"Yes, I agree."

"Okay, good. Your other teachers and I will be emailing your assignments to Merideth weekly. You will be required to submit them online."


"That's all." She said.

"Thank you." I started out the door.

"Oh, and Drew?"

"Yes?" I called out once more.

"Have fun and do your best. We're all rooting for you!"

"Thank you!" I said, sending a smile her way.

"Hey Drew!"

"Mallory! I'm going to miss you!" I said, pulling her into a hug.

"I'm right here, you know?" Aaron said.

"Shut up. We're having a best friend moment." Mal yelled at Aaron.

"Okay, so I guess since I'm not your best friend I won't be taking you two out for ice cream."

"Aaron, please. I love you. I want my ice cream."

"Aaron, you're my best friend in the whole entire universe. Buy me ice cream!" Mal begged almost as bad as me. I was practically hanging off of Aaron's arms like a monkey, although he was used to this by now. Most people would think we were dating, but we have just been best friends for literally ever.

Aaron is one of the jocks at our school, he's on all of the sports teams and is dating the most popular girl, Marissa. Marissa used to bully Mallory and me, but she stopped when she started dating Aaron.

Mallory and I have never been popular, but we're not nerds that everyone is mean to. We're just, sorta, here I guess. Aaron is our best friend, and we have others, but we don't really hang out with them.

Besides the teachers and principal, Aaron and Mallory are the only people at school who know my secret. And I intend to keep it that way.

"I'll have a scoop of chocolate in a cup." I told the guy behind the counter.

"I'll have a super banana split sundae." Aaron said.

"And I'll just have some vanilla in a cone." Mallory finished off.

"That'll be £5.52." He said in a very bored tone.

"I'll be paying for that." Aaron slipped the guy the money before Mallory and I could even think about pulling out our wallets.

"Seriously, Aaron? I'm the one going out and making money."

"I don't care. I'm being a gentleman right now, and therefore it's my job to pay."

"Whatever." I breathed out in annoyance, as always. We got our ice cream and headed to a table in the back of the shop.

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