Chapter Nineteenth: What comes next?

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Anything about the Avengers since whatever happened with Steve has gone quiet. It almost makes you worry. What is the government making everyone do? I know there were incidents involving Tony and a different hero who people call Spiderman but it wasn't anything too serious. Along with this, I keep stumbling upon old news reports of my attack on New York. I hate remembering it. But it still haunts me to this day. So much recently I've lost a lot of sleep.

And not once have I told (Y/N) about this. I don't want her to worry about me. She shouldn't worry. I was up again now while (Y/N) was asleep. I woke up from a dream of me taking over the world. And (Y/N) was by my side at her own choice. I was happy to wake up to learn it wasn't true. I got out of bed, put on my dressing gown, not bothering to tie it up, and went to the living room to look out the window.

From here I can see cars, people who are still up from drinking or ready to travel somewhere and some lovers. I even saw one couple get proposed to. That's when I started thinking; (Y/N) and I have been together for a few years now. I should think about proposing. Maybe that would ease my troubled mind and forget the past. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Why are you up?" (Y/N) asked.

"Nightmare. But I'm fine," I said turning to her.

"Loki, we've been together long enough to know when you're lying. Tell me what's wrong."

I can't keep a secret from her anymore. I told her about my dream. When I finished, she hugged me.

"That will never happen, Loki. I promise," (Y/N) said.

"I know. It's just been on my mind a lot lately," I said.

"Let's just try to focus on the future. And leave the past in the past. Okay?"

I smiled, "alright, my love."

"Now back to bed," (Y/N) separated the hug, "we have work in the morning."

I hate that she was right. But we've almost saved up enough for that house in the country so we need to keep working. It will all be worth it in the end. Get out of the city. But before we do move there, I want to propose to her. I'd love to give her a family ring but we've never had one. So I need to get one from somewhere. During my break, I looked in a few jewellery shops but I couldn't find any that were good enough for her. I want everything to be perfect for her but there's nothing. I went back to the library and went back to my shift.

"Hey, L," one of my co-workers, Sean, said.

He's always called me L. I don't like it but he does it anyway so I've gotten used to it.

"Sean," I said.

"What's up with you? You've been in a worse mood than normal," Sean said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked looking at him.

"You're not always in a good mood, more like average but now you look like you might throw a book in rage."

"I've just been a little stressed. Nightmares, lack of sleep, wanted to work hard for a new place out of London and the new thought that I should propose to my girlfriend."

"Are you ready for that next stage?"

"Of course."

"Do you have a ring to propose with?"

"I've been spending my whole break trying to find one. But I haven't found one that's perfect for her."

Sean was silent. That's usually a bad thing. He told me to come to his place when our shifts are over. What could he possibly want me there for? I did what he asked and met him at his flat. It's probably smaller than ours. And a complete mess. And the smell I might never forget. Old fast food, a little bit of alcohol and he's trying to mask it with scented candles. After looking around a bit, he gave me a box which was aged a lot. I opened it to reveal a ring.

Sean said it was his family ring but I can pass on his family tradition. I asked him why he wouldn't do it. Turns out he's Asexual so he isn't attracted to anyone so it's less than likely he can carry it on. The ring is perfect. I'm happy to do it for him. I left his flat and prepared a date for me and (Y/N). I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. There were doubts in my mind she wouldn't say yes. We've been together long enough that I think she will but I don't know. I'll just have to see what happens.

When I got home, I told (Y/N) that I was taking her out and she got into something nice. Me, I just got into something comfortable. I then took her to a park where I had a picnic set up where not a lot of people go to. Some peace and quiet and no one has to see (Y/N)'s face. We ate the food I had prepared, talked, and looked at the stars. I'd tell her all about them, where Asgard and the other nine realms would be.

I want to take her there but I don't think I'm welcome there anymore. I don't care. I love Earth more than I love Asgard. Because the love of my life is here and not there. My family is here, not there. And if I'm honest, life as a mortal is better than life as a god. Or as a king. But I think it time I make it official.

"(Y/N)," I said.

"Yeah?" (Y/N) said.

"I have something important to ask and I hope you say yes."

Since we were lying down, (Y/N) sat up and looked down at me. I reached into my pocket for the ring and managed to open it with one hand.

"Now, I'm not going to give a speech because I don't know how else to lead up to the big question but..." I held up the box showing the ring, "will you be my wife?"

" I held up the box showing the ring, "will you be my wife?"

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"Loki... I don't know what to say.." (Y/N) said.

"Say yes. I want to spend my life with you, have a family and officially become the man I was supposed to be. A mortal with a wife that I love more than anything."

(Y/N) lift her mask and kissed me. When she pulled away, she said yes. I've never been happier in my life. We kissed again and I put the ring on her. Later that summer, we were married.

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