Chapter Four: Battle for New York

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I didn't know this but Clint was back and out of Loki's control. Steve told us to suit up and go to a Quinn Jet to go to New York. We will have to wait for Thor and Bruce to show up there because they were thrown off the carrier. We suited up, took a Quinn Jet and went to New York. Tony beat us to it because he was faster.

We got there eventually to see a beam of blue light pointing to the sky where a portal and Loki's army were coming out and attacking New York. We flew after Tony and shot down some Aliens that were following him. We did go up to Stark Tower to shoot at Loki wearing his helmet, gold armour and cape again and fighting Thor but he shot at us and we crash-landed.

We got out and ran towards the tower when there was a roar heard. Hulk? Nope. It was a flying worm or whale-like creature coming down from the portal. It shot more of those aliens out of its sides and they clung onto the building, roaring at us. We took cover by some cars as the creatures shot near us, blowing up other cars while people ran away.

Some came down to our level and now it was time to fight. Well, I followed Steve to help people. Steve told some police what to do to help but they weren't taking orders from him. Until they watched us fight and kill a few aliens then they changed their minds. Steve and I rejoined the fight with Nat and Clint and Thor saved us with a lightning blast.

What happened to him and Loki? Thor told us what was happening with the Tesseract. It has a shield around it which is impenetrable. Tony told us we had to deal with the rest of Loki's army. As Steve was about to give out orders, Bruce arrived as himself on a motorbike.

"So, this all seems horrible," Bruce said.

"I've seen worse," Nat said.


"No, we could use a little worse."

"Stark, we got him," Steve said.

'Banner?' Tony asked.

"Just like you said."

'Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you.'

Tony's party was the flying whale thing. What even is it because I don't want to keep calling it a whale thing? Whatever it is, it was coming after Tony and headed for us. Bruce walked up to it and Seve said this would be a good time for him to get angry. Lucky for us, Bruce's secret was he was always angry. He turned into the Hulk, lifted the creature, Tony shot it and it exploded. That was easy. The aliens snarled at us while we made a circle and posed while also getting ready for the fight to come. More aliens and whale things came from the portal ready to attack.

"All right, listen up," Steve started, "until we can close that portal, our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash," Tony left while taking Clint to the roof, "Thor, you got to try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You got the lightning. Light the bastards up," Thor left, "us three, we stay here on the ground. We keep the fighting here. (Y/N) you search around for any civilians. Get them underground or in the basement and take out anything in your way. And Hulk..." Hulk looked at him, "...Smash."

Hulk grinned and did his thing. I left to do what Steve told me to do. I took out a retractable sword I had ready to fight anything in the way of my mission. Clint told me there was a bank full of people on 42nd street. The aliens had cornered them. I rushed there. He wasn't wrong. One seemed to have activated a grenade or something so I threw a retractable stick at it, knocking it back. I hit, fought, stabbed, and decapitated them all.

But two still lived. I told everyone to leave as the first one grabbed me and pulled me away from the balcony. It tugged at my mask taking it off and threw it down to everyone below us. The second alien shot at me but I used the one I was fighting to block it and it was killed. The last one tried to throw the grenade at me but it blew up killing it and knocking me backwards onto a car.

I got up and watched everyone come out of the building okay. I covered my face with both hands so no one could see. A young child walked up to me and handed my mask back. I took it, put it back on and told them to go with everyone else to safety. I continued to fight. Soon, Nat told us she could shut the portal. Steve told her to do it but Tony said no.

He had a nuke headed to the city that would blow up in less than a minute and he knew just where to put it. In the portal in deep space? Better than blowing up New York. We watched Tony fly up with the nuke and flew into the portal. From there, we couldn't see what happened. I had joined Steve and Thor again who just watched. We waited for Tony to come back but he was taking a while.

All the aliens and whale things dropped dead so the battle was over. Steve told Nat to close the portal and she did. Thankfully, Tony made it through before it closed for good. But he didn't stop falling or slow down. Hulk saved him and got him back to us. Thor took a part of Tony's suit off to see his face but he was unresponsive. Well, at least he died saving the world. Hulk roared at him making him wake up. He's not dead!

"What the hell?" Tony asked, "What just happened? Please tell me no one kissed me."

"We won," Steve said.

Tony sighed in relief, "All right, yay! Hurray. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it."

"We're not finished yet," Thor said.

"And then shawarma after."

We went to the top of Stark Tower to see Loki groaning and crawling away from a crater in the floor. He had scars all over his face. Clint aimed his bow at him as Loki looked at us and sat on the stairs. I swear his eyes were green now.

"If it's all the same to you... I'll have that drink now."

Let me guess, Tony arrived first at the start of all this and offered him a drink. Loki was put in chains with a faceplate around his mouth to keep him quiet. We went to somewhere in New York where we watched Thor take Loki back to Asgard via the Tesseract to decide his punishment and put the Tesseract somewhere safe on Asgard. Something tells me we'll be seeing Loki again soon.

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