Audition Time~

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Junhyung turned to an empty page.
"Hmmm... let's see how we can combine these lyrics."

Junhyung was deep in thoughts so you decided to stay quiet.
"Maybe i can add some kind of filler sentence... because we don't have enough lyrics to make an entire song. Do you have any ideas?"

"Maybe something like "welcome to the black paradise"...? Its short but can have lots of meaning because we're basically inviting people into our feelings in the 'black paradise' situation."

Junhyungs eyes widened. "Y/n, your talents keep surprising me."
"Wha- i just said something that went on in my mind-"
"Your mind amazes me... you come up with the best things."

Junhyung started writing.

"Welcome to the Black (Black) Paradise
Welcome to the Black (Black) Paradise".

"Let's do it like that, the extra 'black' for the effect." Junhyung said.
"I love that!!" you nodded.

"Welcome to the Black (Black) Paradise
Welcome to the Black (Black) Paradise

As I don't rest and keep running
It feels like it will come before my eyes,
That's what I believe
Snap out of it please, snap out of it –
Everything becomes faint
And I lose my focus but I hear
Your voice calling my name

But still, the reason I live,
The one freedom that
I found in this tense situation
If there is a single ray of light
That will protect you rather than me,
It's you, it's you

Welcome to the Black (Black) Paradise
Welcome to the Black (Black) Paradise

Don't test me God,
I came all this way so isn't it time to stop now?
There are no more tears to shed,
Please don't test me anymore
You say that life
Is fair for everyone
But why do you only give me these cruel times?
Even if I can't smile
Happily like others
Just give me reason,
Give me the reason, which is her"

Junhyung stopped writing.
"So, like this? And then we just repeat your written verse and mine?"
"Yeah... i mean i feel like we could still fill it up but then again, we don't even have a melody or anything."
"Indeed... all i know the last part of mine is a rap."

You guys suddenly heard a loud noise which made you guys jump.
"Ah, it's just the doorbell." Junhyung said as he quickly walked towards the door.
You heard him open the door while you stayed in his room, with the notebook.

Writer's note: Gif isn't mine~ (Omg but am i the only one who thinks he looks kinda like Yesung here? O

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Writer's note: Gif isn't mine~ (Omg but am i the only one who thinks he looks kinda like Yesung here? O.O like when he slightly turns his head down- AAA SJSHHAHAHA)

"Junhyung-ah, i wanted to invite you to the auditions. Again, i apologize. Let's walk together and try to talk it out. Maybe we can still live the dream we always wanted."
Junhyung definitely still had hatred towards Gikwang in his heart, but he accepted the offer.

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