"Black Paradise"

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"...and i see that you aren't evil aswell, like Junhyung. You have something mesmerizing that not many people have. I think people think that way about me when they see me too... But i have this with you. I just want to get to know you and i know you care about Junhyung, so that's why i tried to act nice the past days. You guys had so much fun at lunch, i shed a tear. Theres a reason why everyone hates him, right? Don't you realize?"

You were shocked.
"I mean... i just felt bad for him... everyone hates him and he's all alone... i think everyone deserves a second chance."
Gikwang tilted his head. "I think so too, but Junhyung has really hurt me."

You didn't know who to believe and who not, but it seemed to you like Gikwang told the truth.
"How is one so extremely jealous to the point that they break an entire friendship and act toxic... this is not the Junhyung i know... screw him. I need to stop being with him before he does the same to me too." you thought.
You looked up into Gikwangs eyes again.
"I'm sorry." you said while tearing up.
"I'm sorry that i got along with him so well. I need to stop talking to him before we fall out and he does the same to me... i'm honestly scared-" Before you could even start a new sentence, Gikwang stepped forward to hug you.
It felt like your eyes could fall out your sockets any time now. But since his hug felt safe, warm and... lovely, you put your arms around him too while resting your head into his chest.

"Wanna walk to school together?" Gikwang asked.
"Of course!" you smiled as you walked next to him.

Arriving at school, of course all eyes were on both of you. Everyone knows you as the girl thats best friends with Junhyung, but since you're walking with his rival now, it sparked a lot of gossips and chuckles.
You guys were the first to arrive in class, sitting behind the desks where your backs face the window to the hallways.
"SMILE!!!" Gikwang suddenly said.
You looked at him and saw that he had his phone camera out, with a cute and silly cat filter. He took a video and you guys both smiled and played around with the filter. Then he took some pictures, while Junhyung walked through the hallway.
He accidentally looked into your classroom... and when he saw you being so happy with Gikwang, his heart broke.
You didn't see it, but he broke down in tears and ran out of school straight to his home, where he threw himself on his bed while uncontrollably crying.
After a while Junhyung stood up from his now soaked with tears pillow.
"He must've told her something that she believes..."

Writer's note: Yuppppppp, not my pic~ Poor Junnie TT

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Writer's note: Yuppppppp, not my pic~ Poor Junnie TT

"You look really cute in this picture, y/n!" Gikwang smiled.
"Well, you look really great in this picture too. But you always look great." you smiled back.
While the rest of the class came in, the lesson started.

Gikwang left an hour early to go to a dentist appointment.
"See you tomorrow, y/n!!!"
"See you tomorrow, Kiki!!!"
He chuckled. "Kiki?"
"Yeah... i guess that's your nickname now.
"Okay... i'm not complaining." Gikwang said as he waved you goodbye.

And after that hour, which felt like forever because Gikwang wasn't there with you, the schoolday finally ended.
You walked towards the exit when you saw a familiar back.
"OMG no... its Junhyung... what do i do?"
You decided to just walk fast paced around him, with your head down low, so it looks like you don't see him.
Your heart is racing faster as you come closer as you count down in your head.
"3, 2, 1, NOW."
You tried to execute the plan, but you felt someone grabbing your arm.

"What did he tell you?" Junhyung softly said. You could hear his voice was breaking, almost like he was about to cry.
"I really gotta go." you said while you pulled his hand off your arm and walked, as originally in the plan, fast paced to home, but he chased after you.

Junhyung tried to speak to you while being in tears.
"Listen, i don't know what he told you, but it most likely isn't true. A story always has two sides. Why did you switch up like everyone else? You were the only one i had left, the only one that made me happy to show up here, at this place. When you arrived, this school became some kind of black paradise. I hate it here, but you made it seem like a paradise. In such a short time i have considered you my best friend and you know what? I even fell in love with you. Now you know. But Gikwang convinced you to take his side and honestly i don't even blame you. If i were a girl with high standards i would choose Gikwang over my morals too."

You turned around to face Junhyung. You didn't know what to say, as it was a lot to progress. You deeply inhaled.

"He told me about the weird videos you took of him because of pure jealousy. How you ruined his reputation and his self esteem. I don't think you know how much you hurt him."

Junhyung looked around him, shockingly. "The videos? Oh... that. Listen. We used to make music together. Believe it or not. We actually wrote a song together... he had the vocal parts and i did the rapping. I think we were both a little envious of each other so we took weird pictures of each other... he has some of mine too. I suppose he didn't tell you this. We were such good friends... we just fell apart and he uses me taking pictures of him as an excuse to hate on me, when he did the exact same thing."

You looked down, not knowing who to believe now
"Then why does everyone hate you and see you as this evil being?"
"Because with a face like Gikwang, you could easily make up any story and everyone will believe you. And don't try to deny it, because you just fell for it too."

[HEYYYY! What a chapter this is... lol. Fun fact, the song that Junhyung talked about that he wrote with Gikwang is an actual song written by both of them! But the thing is, i didn't know that until i searched it up... It was such a satisfying feeling to know that they ACTUALLY wrote it!! I've been wanting to use that song in this fanfic since i started writing so...
Anyways, i'm sorry if this chapter feels rushed. I just don't wanna end this story already and theres more to come... But this was a rollercoaster! Hahahaha
See you guys next chapter~]

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