First day at the new school...

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...I can hear it calling~

Oh~ that's your alarm!
Your alarm went off because it was gonna be your first day on international school today. You tried to be as bright as possible, even though you were very nervous. You got up and picked an outfit for the first day of school.
It was gonna be a little cold today, so you picked out a cute, cozy looking outfit.

It was gonna be a little cold today, so you picked out a cute, cozy looking outfit

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Writer's note: Yet again~ this isn't my picture, credits to the owner!!

You didn't really have one specific style. One day you dress like this, other days you wear skirts, or dresses, or shorts, basically, you have everything. But for the first day you wanted to make a soft impression so people wouldn't feel intimidated by you.
You were awake way longer than your parents, because they weren't as excited as you are to wake up this early.
"Mom! Dad! Wake up! It's my first day at school!"

When they finally came out of their bed, they saw that you made them breakfast. "How sweet!" your parents say in sync. As they sat down on the chairs next to you. You tried to eat a lot but you were still nervous. You have already figured out the way to get there though, and the easiest way is by just walking. It's like 15 minutes away from your home, so what could go wrong? We all love to walk in nature a little, you could see some cute places along the way aswell.

You brushed your hair, put on a natural makeup look and did the rest of the things to get ready. It was finally time to go.
"See you later!" you kissed your parents goodbye and took some earbuds with you to listen to some k-pop while walking.
As you walked towards the end of the street, you saw something unusual.

"Do you have the money with you?"
"Haha! Of course he doesn't. He gave everything to you already" *laughs*
"If he won't buy me any more food at school i'll spread more rumors around him"
"No need. Everyone hates him already anyways"

You saw a few guys and girls standing around one boy that seemed ashamed and scared... One guy was in the lead, saying all this horrible stuff about him while the others laughed. You slowly took down your earbuds and tried to walk towards them as discrete as possible. At this point, you stood behind the group. You were scared, but you hate seeing other people being humiliated like this. You took a few deep breathes before you were gonna stand up for this boy, but your reflex already did the job, because the lead boy had leaned in to slap the poor boy and you quickly took his arm away. Everyone turned around and looked at you. The bullied boy slowly looked up at you too and softly smiled, even though he was hurt. You slowly swallowed, because you were scared. All these eyes at you... This can't mean any good! But you were strong. You always had a mindset that bullies only bully people because their life sucks anyways. So you werent scared to talk to them anymore. You inhaled.

"Yah! What do you think you're doing? I overheard this conversation. Are you happy with yourself, humiliating this poor boy in public?"

The boy in the lead smirked, but in an evil way. "And who are you? Where do YOU come from? You think you can just blend in here in our problems with him?"

"Your problems with him? I think your existence is a problem at the moment. All of you. Your life must suck, that you force all your anger on one poor boy"

"Yeah, poor. Definitely him!" they all laughed.
The lead boy put his hand on your shoulder and whispered: "You don't know us, you don't know him, so please don't tell us what to do."

"We'll keep going now guys!" the lead boy said as he walked away.
You watch that group walk off and you approached the bullied boy.

"Hey, are you alright?" you asked him
"I've gotten used to it... it happens everyday."
"No human being should ever get used to bullying, my friend. Please avoid them at any costs. You seem like a nice human and it scattered my heart to see you this way."

He smiled... you analyzed his smile and came to the conclusion he was genuinely happy that someone stood up for him, even if he doesn't admit to it.
"So... what's your name?" you asked him, to keep the conversation going.

"Yong Junhyung" he responded.
"Yong Jun-hung? Junyung? Yong Junghun? Yo- YONG JUNHYUNG?!" you struggled pronouncing his name, because it's a hard name to say very fast all after each other. He chuckled at the fact you absolutely butchered his name. You guys both laughed it off and you realized you still needed to go to school, even though you won't be late. Maybe it was meant to be that you left much earlier as needed.
"Hey... i need to go to school. My first day, ya know. But if they ever approach you again, always call me!"

He responded: "Wouldn't that be a little hard if i didn't have your number?" he playfully raised his eyebrows as he indirectly asked for your number. You turned around again and reached out your hand to grab his phone. You put your number in and typed out your name. Once you gave it back to him he looked at your name

"Y/n...?" he purposely butchered your name as cute as possible. "That's right!" you laughed as you walk off to school. You were still very early, so you were one of the first people entering the school. You spoke to the director of the school to find your way around, because it was a pretty big building. Not too big though, it was pretty perfect. While walking down the hallways you heard a lot of girls talk about this one boy.

"His lips are so attractive!"
"I heard he has a really good voice too."
"He shouldnt even have to audition for kpop companies. They'll cast him because of his visuals already!"
"I saw him dancing once in the school dance hall. He's so amazing!"
"His natural curls are so beautiful and unique~"
"Yeah he's definitely more than a pretty face. He is multitalented and is very sweet aswell."

You were curious as to who this was all about... "Why is everybody going absolutely bonkers over this one boy? What does he look like? Is he really that talented? Who could be THAT handsome that he steals the hearts of an entire school?" you thought to yourself

You waited for the bell to ring so all your new classmates would enter the classroom. Maybe you will get more knowledge if you hear more people speak about him, in more details.

*Bell rings*

You nervously waited for the others to come on in.
But when the first person came in, your heart DROPPED.

[HELLOOOO everyone~ A new chapter!! Who could this boy be? 🤭🤪 I hope you enjoyed it... more parts will come soon! Also i wanted to clarify, for those who are delusional, everything here is FICTIONAL. I don't think "lead boy" 🤪🤭 is mean or a bully at all. It's just for entertainment purposes. Hmmm... what else do i add here? I mean i'm always open for constructive criticism... that's it for now! See ya next chapter!]

BLACK PARADISE || You x Junhyung & GikwangOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara