Chapter 22

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Rosè POV:

I swear I will kill Jennie later.

She made me lock up with Jimin. I did a fake cry.

She showed him this place. Now, he will tell his group, and use this room. I shouldn't have shown Jennie about this place. I blame Jisoo for telling Jennie in the first place.

Now, I have to deal with him.

"Hey, Rosè?" He asked in a sweet soft voice as he sat next to me.

"Yeah?" I said nervously as I can feel my heart beat go fast.

"Watch the show with me. It will be fun. Trust me, I won't do anything bad," he said all smiling.

"Sure," I said softly hiding my anger toward Jennie as well as loving his presence at the same time. My anger makes my heart clam down little bit.

Then the ads ended and the intro just played.

(If some of you haven't seen WandaVision, then I won't spoil. I'll make up one.)

It did the Marvel intro like always before going into the show's intro.

During that time, I felt a glare at me, so I look at Jimin.

He quickly turn to look at the screen.

It was so cute when I caught him, I said in my head. What did you just say Rosè. You don't like him. Just go back to your show.

I look back to watching the show.

The scene is now where Wanda came to Wist town cemetery where Vision was buried.

Wanda use her powers and dug his coffin up to the surface, pushing away the dirt.

She rip the lid off, came to close his face, hover her hand over to his head, and use her power to feel him.

She said, "Why is there nothing in you? I don't see your presence. No connection."

She dropped to the ground and cried loudly.

"We were suppose to live here. Your suppose to be alive with me."

She was showing so much emotion that she can't control, her mind said something to her head, "release it all this energy. Let it all disperse."

Wanda listen to her head and release everything she got.

Something came out of her chest. Red powers surging out of her.

First, the house near her started to change.
It visibly was nothing, but it all have building blocks that make it back to a house (the time lapses of building a house). From each interior texture to the next, from each paint to the next, and from furnitures to electronics, it all visibly putting together in a process.

When it all was done, she burst more energy out of her, causing illusion shifts around the hex she created.

The walls of her powers absorb everything, changing its appear to something new, changing the minds of the people.

So cool.

Just then, I felt a hand around on my shoulder.

I look at Jimin. His arms are wrap around my shoulders. I felt him tug me to come closer to him.

I don't know why, I felt myself going toward him. My body just wonders toward him as my heart just beat a million times per second.

"This feels nice," I said without realizing what I said as I rub his neck area.

"I hope you like it because I do," Jimin said while being flirty. 

"N-no. You got the wrong idea," I said while blushing as I stop doing what I did.

"You're so much cuter when you blush," he whispered to my ear.

"Stop flirting with me, Jimin," I said while covering my face.

"I don't stop. I know you like it. Admit it that you like me. I know you do."

"Do you want to know?"

He nodded.

"Well, I don't."

"Then why are you still letting me hug you?" He said as he raise an eyebrow at me.

"Fine. I do like you. Now, stop pestering me about it," I said while pouting and looking the other way.


I ignored him.


I ignore him again.

"Godd*mn it. Just stop ignoring. My heart can't take it. I love you so much to fix this heart ache."

"Y-you l-love m-me," I said stuttering.

"I'm not repeating myself."

He loves me. I didn't know. I thought he never had any feelings for me.

Stupid Rosè.


He ignored me.

"Jimin, look at me." He did the opposite.

"If you going to be like that, then fine." He still continue to ignore me.

I know what to do.

I came closer to him and kiss him on his lips. I can feel him like it as he put a hand around my neck.

After few minutes of kissing session, we both back off little to breathe.

"That was good kiss. I really enjoy that," he said honestly with sweet tone.

"Yes, I really like it."

"Rosè, d-do y-you w-want t-to b-be m-my g-girlfriend?" He asked while stuttering.

"I would love to." I said while kiss him one more time before I went back to my seat to watch the screen.

He didn't like it what I did, so he m unexpectedly pick me up and put between his legs.

"Now we can watch," he said all smiling.

I smile while shaking my head before looking at the screen.

(In her mind: Jennie, I won't scold you since you got me and Jimin together. I will thank you.)

"Aww. Look at the cute couple we have here." Someone said.

I got distracted and turn around as Jimin already turned around.

My eyes were surprise to see them.

All my unnies and the boys.

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