Chapter 12: Gone

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Emeson brole the door, trying to leave Wellston. His anger got to him, he hates everyone around him ( Well maybe not EVERYONE. ) he ruthlessly shoots small energy shots around him for no reason. He takes a deep breath and looks up in the sky. He then closes his eyes and starts surging energy to his legs, his body is full of energy sparks shooting out of him. Once he surged he ran at the speed of light to an apartment office. ( This whole energy process does not take 5 seconds, it actually takes 1/10 of a second. )



He busts down the door of a housing office.

Clerk: M-may I help you?

Emerson: Yeah you can, I'm buying a house around Wellston High.


He slams the check on the table.

After about two hours, Emerson finally moves what little stuff he has into the the house. It has been kept tidy from the previous owner two years ago. He looks around and even finds a price of hair.

Emerson: Ew, I really wish I wasn't observant.

He picked up a piece of black hair and throws it away.

However after immediately touching it, his ability sensed it was familiar.

He shrugged it off though and went back to unpacking.

The next day;


School just let out, Fire was walking alone, leaving the gates when she didn't realize Emerson was walking next to her.

Fiore: Oh shit! *has energy ready*

Emerson: Its just me Fiore.

Fiore: Oh, Sorry. *deactivates*

Emerson: Your ability is off.

Fiore: Well you know i his it for several years so I don't know how to use it properly unlike you!

Emerson: I thought you were a 8?

Fiore: I was, several years ago. Maybe I can use it like a 3 but I'm still a 8.

Emerson: OK, gotcha.

Fiore: I still find it strange we have the same ability.

Emerson: Yeah, its already unlikely to get one of these AND to meet another user. That's just weird.

Fiore: Hey I know I would be a Time Manipulator if I didn't get this power. What would you actually have instead of Energy Manipulation?

Emerson: I wouldn't have none.

Fiore: Really?

Emerson: Yeah, my families all cripples. That's why I have Energy Manipulation. It happens when a family has the same ability or no ability.

Fiore: Hey, I know this is off topic but how come you never left your dorm this morning? I never saw you, I was going to walk with you to Wellston?

Emerson: I got a new place.

Fiore: Why?!

Emerson: Because, I hate this place. If I'm to get an education, I need to at least of a place of peace. The dorms just is another branch of Wellston hell I have to go through.

Fiore: Hmm OK.

Emerson: Well is there anything you need to do?

Fiore: No.

Emerson: Well shit. Do you wanna see my new house?

Fiore: Yeah sure! I've got nothing better to do.

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