ch. 49 | Reuniting

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I ducked underneath the jacket that Asa was holding up above us as he helped me out of the passenger seat, both of us making a run for the front door as the rain came pouring down. It was hurricane season, but I hadn't really thought we would get much rain tonight. Then again, I hadn't really paid much attention to the current events with everything preoccupying my mind.

Asa ran the doorbell as he pulled me to his side, rubbing his hand up and down my arm as he wrapped his around me, trying to keep me warm. I hadn't realized it, but I was shivering in my pink dress and pointed heels. I wanted to make a good impression and hadn't accounted for the weather, but neither had Asa as he was dressed in a t-shirt and chinos.

The house was gorgeous. It was small, maybe a few bedrooms, but elegant with a beautiful front yard with grass and roses, and the white home perfectly complimented the entire neighborhood of elegant little homes. I loved it, much more than my parent's huge mansion that Zac and I grew up in, but I guess I can't complain that my parents didn't agree with suburbia. At least they chose not to raise children in the smack middle of the city, right?

The door slowly opens, and a petite brunette comes into view. I immediately recognize the woman as Asa's mother, whom I had seen in only photographs before. She smiles softly, and quickly urges us inside.

"Hi kiddos. Hurry, come inside! It's pouring for God's sake," she steps to the side, letting us in. Immediately, Asa leads the way, hanging his now wet jacket up on a coat rack by the door. "You must be Cassandra. I've heard so many wonderful things about you. You're even more beautiful in person!"

I blush at her words, not expecting her enthusiasm. I don't know what I was expecting. Between Asa's rift with his mom, all the wonderful things Lauren had said, and knowing she was sick? I honestly had no clue what to expect, but I was feeling nervous again. I've never had to meet someone's parents like this. I grew up knowing Ethan's and Caden's parents, and my relationship with Asa was on a whole other level.

"Thank you. I've heard really good things as well, Mrs. Rivers," I simply smile, hugging her back as she hugs me. It wasn't a lie, as Lauren talks only great things about her. I wasn't sure if she went by Mrs. Rivers still, but it was the safest option. I make a mental note to kick Asa for not warming me up for this meeting or even giving me suggestions on what to possibly talk about. I hate being unprepared.

"Oh, don't be silly. Please, call me Lydia. We're family now," her smile is huge as she glances between me and Asa, finally settling in on her son. I watch nervously as she walks up to him and pulls him into a hug, one that he is reluctant about for a few seconds before giving into it.

"My sweet boy," she whispers, and I can't help but smile as Asa looks at me sheepishly, slightly embarrassed. I hold back a giggle, not wanting to ruin the moment. "I've missed you."

Asa nods as he pulls back from the hug, and I can tell that he feels slightly uncomfortable. I'm sure she notices as well, because she just smiles at him. Luckily, we're saved by a loud noise followed by little footsteps running down the stairs, hitting the wooden floor with a thud.

"Uncle Aaaaasa!" I turn around to see Andrew as he makes a run for Asa, almost in a bee-line of some sort. He immediately jumps for Asa, who crouches down to pull his nephew into a hug.

"Hey bud. How've you been?" Asa smiles at the little boy in his arms and I think my heart completely melts at the way that Andrew looks at Asa.

"I'm good," he grins before hanging onto Asa. "Hey, you're that one girl."

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