ch. 35 | Friday Night

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This week has been a complete mess. I'm exhausted after having to help our accounting department get back on their feet. Our internal computer system was down across the entire company circuit, including internationally, for which Asa, Zac, and my father all had to deal with the falling out. From what Asa briefly told me over our messages and short phone calls, it was an absolute mess, but we weren't the only company having the issue.

Because they were busy dealing with that, and the systems were down, the accounting department was on crisis mode because two of the heads of the department were out of the country — one on holiday and the other on business matters. It also happened to be that it was closing time for a lot of our clients, and with the systems down, a lot had to be done manually.

It was absolute hell. But, it's okay now. Everything is fine. I'm relaxing this weekend and I finally get to see Asa again. We work in the same building, but it's been such a shit show that we haven't spent time together in a little over a week. After spending every night with him, one week without seeing him has felt like forever.

Not that I can't be alone, because I'm used to being alone over the years, but just being around him makes me happy. I miss waking up to his lingering scent on the bedsheets even after he's left for his office, and the smell of his strong coffee brewing. Gosh, and I love it when the shower is already steamy when I go to take a shower because he just took one too. Better yet, when we take one together and end up in there longer than necessary because we got side tracked by doing things that are definitely not clean.

I smile at the thought of seeing him tonight as I step out of my own shower, grabbing my bathrobe and wrapping it around my body. It doesn't feel the same as the fluffy towels Asa has at his place, but doesn't matter because I'll be there again in a few hours. My eyes flicker down to my wrist, taking in the tiny heart that I recently got tattooed onto my skin. It's very small, mainly because needles freak me out, but it means a lot to me.

Asa let me sit on his lap when I got it, holding me tightly as I clenched my eyes shut. The worst part was the buzzing of the tattoo gun, but I couldn't look while the artist did it even though it really didn't hurt that bad.

A little heart. To remind me to love myself. To love who I am. To love life. And of course, our love. His and mine. I realized that after hearing Asa talk about his tattoos over the time we have been together, I can make my own meaning behind them. For me, it's about love. I don't care if it's temporary or forever, but the fact that it's happened. The way I feel loved by Asa is like nothing else I've felt before and I never want to forget it. Not that I will have to, because I don't think this is temporary, and I do think this is forever.

I'm sidetracked from my thoughts as I hear my phone buzzing, indicating that I have a text message. I quickly shuffle out of the bathroom, having left the door wide open, and into my bedroom and grab my phone off of the bed, taking a seat on the edge. My hair is still dripping wet, hanging over the back of my robe, and probably leaving water droplets on the duvet.

CamCam 6:17pm
Glad to hear that you're not drowning in work anymore!! I know you're probably getting dirty with the bf tonight, but maybe we can grab brunch tomorrow? Let me know what works and be safe ;)

I roll my eyes to myself. It's still a bad habit. I doubt it will ever go away. At least I don't do it while at work, right? I quickly type a response and send it her way.

Cassandra (to CamCam) 6:21pm
Sounds good! If brunch doesn't happen, maybe an early dinner? I will text you when I'm up! I really want to sleep in and not have to set an alarm tonight!

I scroll through my messages, seeing a few others I missed while in the shower. Two of them were just message blasts that we had sent out to everyone on the Rhodes' Enterprise payroll thanking them for the hard work this week and letting them all know that all the offices will be closed for the weekend so everyone can enjoy some time off after this long week we had.

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