ch. 3 | Cheers

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The car ride was silent, with the exception of the sound of the exhaust of the car. I was focused on my thoughts, discretely wondering if Caden was going to say something to Zac, or even worse, my father. I'm twenty-two years old and here I was, terrified that my boyfriend would snitch on me to my family, when he was the one sleeping with other people.

Luckily, the ride to his office was short, and before I knew it, I was following him into his office. The view was incredible, and I found myself walking over to the floor to wall windows to admire the lights of the city illuminating the night sky. We were in lower Manhattan, and although I have seen a very similar view a thousand times, I couldn't get over it. It always took my breath away.

"To tell you the truth, I thought you were kidding about coming to your office," I admit, looking over to Asa who has removed his coat and unbuttoned his tux. I watch as he fidgets with his tie for a moment, loosening it as he walks over to me, standing right beside me and looking out at the city.

"Why would I lie to you?" he asks, pushing his hand into his pocket as he glances down at me. I bit down on my lip, hard, noticing the way he moistens his lips with his tongue.

"I don't know, It's just an odd choice..." I trail off, shaking my head, not knowing how to answer his question. It was a weird choice. Who invites someone over to their office in the middle of the night? I guess he's technically just another businessman, probably lives here for all I know.

"I don't have a place yet," Asa admits with a chuckle as he puts something down on his desk. Cuff links, it seems like, and unbuttons his sleeve rolling them up halfway on his arm while walking over to a decanter with a brown liquor in it. I'm assuming whiskey.

"Want one?" he questions as he fills a glass with the liquid. I can't help but notice how his muscles flex in his shirt. Not only was he good looking, but I could only begin to imagine what his body looks like underneath his clothes.

After a moment of silence, he looks up at me, eyebrow raised in question, giving me a small but I realize I didn't answer him, and quickly look away from him and back at the city.


My cheeks are most definitely red. I can't believe I just did that, and I know there's no way he didn't notice the way I was just staring at him.

"So how do you like New York, Asa?" I say playfully, taking off my coat and putting it on one of the seats and turning to him. I notice his face falter as I say his name.

"I haven't been out much, but I've been here before on business. It's great, fucking cold, but great," he mumbles, as he walks up to me and hands me one of the glasses. I wrap my fingers around it, taking it from him, our fingers gently brushing in the processes. My eyes dart up to his, and we clank our glasses to each other before I take a small sip of the liquor. It burns, but I resist a face, more focused on seeing him.gulp down the contents of his glass, looking out the window.

"I hate the cold," I shiver at the thought of the weather. If there was one thing I would change about this city, it was the cold and wet winters, excluding the snow, because I love snow.

"So where are you staying?" I question, making conversation. Also, I was curious. I took a look around the large office, wondering if he was just staying here. It was a nice place, but I can't imagine him just crashing here.

"At a hotel, hence why I didn't ask you to come back know, given that...," he trails off, turning to look at me as he made a gesture with his hand. My eyes narrowed, and I could tell he wanted say something more.

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