ch. 28 | The Crew

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My hands cup around the door frame on either side of me as I impatiently wait for the door to open. As soon as it does, a huge grin appears on my face, taking in the beauty in front of me.

"Hi," she lets out a small giggle, stepping forward and wrapping her thin arms around my neck, her face snuggling into my chest.

I drop my arms from the door frame, grabbing her waist and pulling her body against mine, my hands making their way around her back. She smells good, like strawberries and vanilla. She must've taken a shower when she got home today, because the scent of her shampoo is so prominent.

"I missed you," I mutter into Cassandra's soft hair as I press a kiss onto the top of her head, my hands trailing down and grabbing onto her ass, giving it a quick squeeze, which earns me a giggle.

"I missed you too. Let me grab my jacket and shoes."

We step into her apartment and I realize that this is actually my first time inside. I've only ever picked her up from here before. She disappears into what I assume is her bedroom, which gives me a chance to check out the large bookshelves on one of the walls.

Damn, she wasn't kidding when she said she liked book. There's easily hundreds of paperbacks, and from the looks of it, it seems like a majority of them are romance novels. I chuckle a bit at the irony, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my jeans as I move from the shelves to a huge bulletin board she has hanging.

There's a ton of random things pinned up. From movie ticket stubs, pictures torn out from magazines, some notes, and a ton of photographs. I step closer, taking in all of the pictures.

"I'm ready," Cassandra says, and I turn around abruptly. She has a puffer coat on again, and it makes me grin foolishly. She looks adorable. I love the way it engulfs her petite figure.

"Cute," I tease her as she walks back up to me. She's wearing some lace up heeled booties too, which makes her stand taller so her forehead is right where I can press a kiss onto it as she walks up. I take the chance to do so.

"Is this you?" I find myself asking her as I turn back to the bulletin board, pointing at a picture of a little girl in ice skates and a trophy. It looks like some kind of skating competition.

Cassandra moves so that she's beside me, smiling and nodding. "Yup, that's me," she laughs a bit, shaking her head. My eyes fixate on her, noticing how she's a little tense looking at these pictures.

"This is also me, maybe when I was fourteen or so?" she recalls, pointing at a picture of a younger version of herself with an older woman. "With my mom," she clarifies, probably noticing the way that I was looking at the photograph in curiosity.

I nod, reaching down and grabbing her hand. "I didn't know you skate?" I ask as she pulls me towards the door. I frown a bit, looking back over my shoulder at all of the pictures I want to ask her about, but follow behind her.

"I don't. I used to," Cassandra says softly, squeezing my hand as we walk out the front door. She lets go for a minute as she locks the door up, before grabbing mine again. I can't help but smile a bit.

We've come a long way already, and we've only been seeing each other for a few short weeks. I can't wait to see how much she opens up to me with time. I could tell that she didn't want to talk about it, but I can't help myself with her.

"Used to?"

I watch her intently, seeing her shrug her shoulders as we make our way to my car. "Yeah, I haven't in a long time. I just haven't had much time and kinda forgot about it. Did you play any sports?"

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