Chapter 3: slippery slope

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I finally get home after Adrien refusing to let me go without icing my stomach, even though it didn't hurt, he was worried though, it was adorable. I soon got a FaceTime from him and sat up on my bed frame so I didn't have a double chin once I answered. "Why hello there." I said in a mysterious yet hilarious tone, he couldn't help but let a laugh escape his lips. "So what's up?" 

"Do I have to have a reason to call my best friend?" And... friend zoned, yet again. I slouch down on my bed and he just stared at me, god he makes love seem like such a battlefield. "Well, I had a question. Remember that old man you helped up earlier?" I nodded my head and stuffed a cracker into my mouth. "Well.... I saw him stuff something in your bag, I think it might be what's wrestling around in there. You might wanna check it out, is anything in there?" 

"Odd question but I'll look in a bit, why do you ask?" A nervous expression came along his face and it worried me, "Adrien?..." 

"Oh uh... sorry, I wanted to make sure whatever it was you were safe, sorry if it sounded odd or creepy!" 

"You wanted to make sure mwah was safe? So sweet." I just teased him but deep down I knew him wanting me safe, warmed my heart, it always did, and always will even if we're "just friends" I really like him, I don't know the definition of love if it doesn't stand for Adrien Agreste.

"I'm serious y/n, I don't want anything to happen to you, ever. You mean too much to me." (Author C here, DUDE MAKE UP UR MIND, HELLOOO DON'T BE BliNDddD) he's so sweet, honestly he's such boyfriend material, no wonder every girl in Paris wants him.

"I appreciate you being concerned about me, I promise I'm fine, if I ever needed anyone you know you'd be the person I'd call. I'm always here for you, mr Agreste." we always teased each other, but deep down both of us would always care for one another, no matter what. Childhood best friends, can't match that. "Well, I'm going to go check out whatever resides in my bag, I'll see you later!" I hung up and decided to dive into my bag. 

-Adriens POV-

"Plagg, what if she was the superhero you said Master Fu was assigning? What if what's in her bag is... well... a miraculous." 

"I'm not sure, although I may have an idea if you order a fresh stack of Camembert!"

-Nobodys POV- 

With that being said, Adrien is now Chat noir, and you're... 

-Your POV-

I open the dark brown box I found in my bag, which has gold embleming on the side, and a really cool gold emblem of some sort of logo I assume on top. You know what, adrien probably slipped this into my bag and tried to play it off smoothly! I continue opening the box to see a gold sparkly mist and light pop into the air, leaving a... "Aww a stuffed animal! Wait, why is it floati-" 

"I am not a stuffed animal! I'm your kwami!" I stand there dumbfounded, mouth hanging open, completely spaced out, and frightened. 

"I'm sorry, a kwami? What-- Who- are you? I am so confused, you aren't going to hurt me right?!?" I'm out of breath and find myself in a corner with my knees to my chest, I don't do well in high pressure situations, and sadly this was one of them... 

"Hey! Please don't be frightened! I'm slippi, your now kwami! Have you seen superheros shown in marvel and such?" I nod my head, still frightened but coming to ease with it. "Okay, so there's this villain named 'Hawkmoth'. He wants the miraculous, aka your bracelet, If he combines two or more miraculouses he would be able to make a wish of his choice, but wishes always come with consequences hence why we can't allow him to get our miraculouses. I'm sure you know just last year, Emile was put into a coma, I've done enough personal research to know he wants to use his wish on her, although I am not sure why or know enough to how he knows her. we don't know who hawkmoth is and we cannot let anyone know you're now a superhero, it could come with major and unneccesary wars and or fights. I grant you the power of water manipulation, 'Aquakinesis' which is a huge gust of water which can destroy anything or knock the wind out of someone long enough to grab the Akuma, I'll get to what an acuma is! I also grant you the power of super strength, that way you can lift something you destroyed with your Aquakinesis, and of course a trident which can be used as a staff/baton. An Akuma is what hawkmoth uses to 'acumatize' his villains, they have no control over what they do and say so don't hold the person liable when they're de-acumatized! I hope this explained it well enough..." I stand there amazed, relived, but still deep down a bit scared. 

Fake it till you make it... Adrien x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now