Chapter 12: The best was yet to come

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Chloe and Alya kept whispering back and forth, I sat at a table across from Luka. We were both an internal mess, I didn't understand why Adrien did what he did, but I was determined to know why. Adrien kept eyeing me, I turned my head and continued chatting with Luka. "Yeah no, I'll be there, it's at 7pm on Tuesday right?" He had invited me to see his band, kittysection. 

"Yeah, I'm glad your going..." He reached across the table for my hand, laying it on top of mine, and looked up at me with a smile on his face. "Are you doing okay?" I felt heat against my face, I knew I wasn't. 

"Real question is, are you?" He let out a laugh, just when Alya had called all of us over. Luka wrapped his arm around my shoulder, I slightly leaned in. Adrien came past holding her hand, "Oh god, I almost forgot my purse. Y'all go ahead and start the car, I'll be out." I waved and walked back to the table where we were all sitting, I grabbed my purse off the booth, and turned around to be met with Adrien. "Well, hello there. Guess I didn't have to find Nemo, huh?" His face looked red, I couldn't tell if it was blush or anger. 

"What was that, y/n?" I let out a laugh as I opened my purse, looking around for my glasses. "What are you doing?" He looked upset. 

"Nothing, just grabbing my glasses to see if I can find some common sense in your brain. What was that with Mari? I guess you were the one who didn't care, don't be so reckless if you actually like someone. Walk home for all I care." I stormed off as I opened the Restaurant door, it slamming behind me, and feeling the cool night air hit my face. I sat in the passenger seat, Alya driving. Adrien soon came after and sat next to Luka, lovely. I heard chatter and started to tune in. 

"What was that with y/n, Luka?" Luka's face flashed with anger, "Really? Why'd you piss her off in the first place?" Adrien pushed his back flat up against the seat, "Why were you grabbing her waist then, buckaroo?" 

"WHY WERE YOU GRABBING MARINETTE'S?" I finally had snapped, I gave into my anger. Adrien's face looked flustered, he hated when I was mad. I turned back over into my seat and popped my earbuds in, I didn't care what was playing, I just needed something. Alya looked over at me worriedly, "Can we stop at the gas station around the corner?" She pulled into the parking lot, I got out and slammed my door. 

"I'm going with her." Chloe followed after, "Hey, are you okay?" I leaned down in the candy isle, "Trying to be, I just don't get it. I didn't think he liked her, I- What possessed him to do something like that?" Chloe bent down as well, grabbing a bag of candy. "Honestly, I was gonna ask you the same question. I guess this fake dating thing isn't going to well, huh?" I walked over to the next isle, looking at the mini bags of chips. "Ditto that, I didn't mean to make him mad, but if he wants to play that game we can." She let out a laugh, I grabbed my favorite brand of chips and walked down to the slushee station. "Exactly, a game for two, is a game for four." I filled my cup up with cherry slushee and grabbed a straw, heading towards the cashier. "Thanks for coming with me, Chloe. I needed a little reassurance." She nodded her head, I put the things on the counter. I handed the worker the money and grabbed our things, I got into the passenger seat and Chloe climbed back with Nino and Marinette. 

We soon arrived back at the house, I walked up to my room to see Adrien taking a shower. "Oh god, I am so sorry!" I covered my eyes and closed the door back shut, I ran down the stairs. "WHY IS ADRIEN IN MY ROOM?" I blinked my eyes multiple times, trying to get the image out of my head. 

"All apart of my plan!" Alya devilishly smiled at me, "What? You paired me in a room, with him?? Like right after what happened at the Restaurant?" She nodded, "Eh, y'all will work it out." Nino just shrugged with a 'I didn't know this was happening' expression spread across his face. "Alright then, so I have to share a room with him... Wonderful." I saw Adrien come out of my room, our room? I don't know at this point. "So apparently we're sharing a room now I guess?" He just shrugged and walked down the stairs, not even an are you okay? Dang, lovely. I walked into my room and changed into my bikini, a sage green matching top and bottom. 

I put on a white cover up and some black Chanel flip flops, I walked down the stairs with my towel in hand

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I put on a white cover up and some black Chanel flip flops, I walked down the stairs with my towel in hand. Adrien stared at me as I walked down, I ignored him and headed out to the pool/hot tub area. I put my towel down and went for a midnight swim, I sat in the hot tub for a while and then dried off around 1:30ish. I walked back into the house and changed into grey sweatpants and a grey oversized sweatshirt. I walked down the stairs and headed into the kitchen, "More Nino drinks already? We're spoiled." He passed me a glass with Strawberry, Mango, Raspberry, Apple Juice, and a tad bit of coconut shavings. I took a sip, "This is really good dude, the coconut really adds an amazing touch." He smiled and I headed over to Chloe who was outside, "Hey girlie! I brought you one of Nino's famous drinks!" I sat beside her and she looked upset, "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing, I'm fine." I passed her the drink, "Drink, it'll make you feel better." She took the drink and took a sip, "You're right, my problems are flying away." We both laughed and I took another sip. "What's bothering you? You've helped me so much, it's the least I can do to help you for once." She looked up into the sky, "It's just my mother again..." I grabbed my phone from out my closet, "What'd she do this time? You know what, I will personally call and attack her!" She grabbed my phone from me, "Just kidding of course, but she really doesn't deserve you Clo. If she can't even remember your name and calls you all these other things, there's no use. Your an awesome girl, Chloe. I don't know how she can't see that, you're doing amazing, one of the strongest people I know." She smiled and continued sipping on her 'Nino drink', I walked back inside and headed for the Kitchen. 

"I think I'm gonna go to bed, I'll see you all tomorrow! Night!" Everyone said goodnight and I went to do my skincare and brush my teeth. I laid on my side of the bed, thoughts filling my head, I didn't want to hate him, he's my best friend. I soon heard the door crack open and I saw a sudden flash of light, of course it was Adrien. He didn't say anything, he only closed the door back, and headed into the bathroom. He came out and I laid on my back as he got into the bed, we both talked at the same time "Look I'm really sor-" "Go ahead, no you! Fine." Adrien laid on his back, I turned over to my side. "Look, I'm sorry I don't know what all that was... Mari kept making moves on me and I gave in, I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't mean to do anything mean, I would never try to hurt you." My heart was beating fast, butterflies filling in my stomach, and I felt blush rise to my face. "Same, the whole thing was Luka was because of jealousy, I'm sorry." He turned to his side and looked over at me, "Well, I'm going to get to sleep. Night." I turned over and felt the feeling subside a bit. 

Fake it till you make it... Adrien x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now