Chapter 15: He loves me, he loves me not

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We sat nervously on the bench, I kept shoving ice cream into my mouth, trying to bypass the current situation. "Uh.. so.. about last night?" He fiddled with his collar, his voice was shaky, normal nervous behavior. "Yeah, last night... Why don't we take a walk?" I grabbed my purse as I stood up, "Yeah, sure." He got up and grabbed his bag, we walked down the bridge and cut down  a quiet city street. "I should probably tell you something, Adrien." I stopped in my tracks and he turned around, a concerned look spread across his face. "What's up?" I took a deep breath and stepped closer to him. "I've always liked you Adrien... I never told you and only like 3 people know, but I started to get closer with you over the years and one feeling lead to another. I recently found your letter from the 6th grade and I saw your whole love confession and I didn't really know how to tell you I found I-" He pulled me into a kiss, I was shocked, after all I had said he didn't hate me? We pulled back and butterflies immediately emerged into my stomach. "There was a reason you didn't tell me and it's okay to have those reasons. I get it, I'm irresistible." I punched his shoulder, "Don't get too cocky, Agreste." We continued walking down the empty street, "So, what does this make us?" I continued as I crossed over onto a different street, Adri not far behind. "Friends." I charged towards him and got onto his back, "I'm kidding, L/n! Jeez!" I wrapped my arms around his neck, " 'Just friends, 'Just friends'. Sir, don't be blind again. Did you need to borrow my glasses?" I pushed my glasses onto his nose and got off, standing in front of him. "Actually, why does this help?" I facepalmed and I ran across the street as he chased after me, "Oh come on, you can see now right? Come and find me, model boy!" It had started lightly raining, the streets becoming extremely wet. He continued to chase me, until he grabbed me from behind and we stumbled onto the ground. He fell next to me and we laid on the wet gravel as the rain fell on top of us. Adrien grabbed my hand and immediately got up, I followed him and he went over to a vendor stand. "Pick out a hat." I didn't question, although thinking back on it maybe I should have. I picked out a black bucket hat and he pulled me over to the train station, "What are we doing, Agreste?" I stood next to him near the train tracks, "I thought we'd go on an adventure." My eyes widened, my heart beating faster than usual. "Where to?" He grabbed my hand again as we entered the train, "Surprise." I rolled my eyes as I sat next to him on the train, I leaned onto his shoulder. "Tired already?" I took my head off his shoulder and looked him dead in the eyes, "I've been up since 5 am, no coffee, I'm in a red dress, I'm wet, We were in the rain, and the only reason I'm still up is because if I fell asleep I'm scared where I would wake up. You're a pain." He smiled, "So I'm the reason you're awake, huh?" I gave him a death stare, "Yes, you're the reason I'm sleep deprived. Congratulations." He motioned me to lean in, I mouthed 'fine.' and leaned in. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I rested my head on his shoulder. He lightly whispered in my ear, "I know you're joking, but it still made me feel horrible." I just leaned in further, my eyes fighting to stay open. 

I felt someone shaking me, my eyes fluttered open to meet a familiar blonde boy holding his hand out. I looked around to see I was in the same blue train chair I fell asleep in, I tiredly took his hand and grabbed my purse. We walked out of the train station holding hands and we had arrived in London. "London? Dang Agreste, you've outdone yourself yet again." He let out a chuckle as we walked towards a shop, "Here, since you so desperately need some coffee." I walked in and approached the lady at the counter. 

"Hi! Welcome to Mug's Coffee Shop, I'm Olivia. What can we whip up for you today?" A big smile was plastered across of her face, I looked up at the Menu. "Can I get an Iced Latte, please?" She typed it into the register, "Will that be all?" I looked back at Adrien, "I'll get an Americano, thank you." She began typing that into the register as well, "Alright! That'll be 7.23, Cash or card?" I opened up my purse and took out my wallet, "Card please." She put that into the system and motioned down at the Touchpad below, I swiped my card and put it back into my wallet. "Okay, that'll be ready in a couple minutes." I buttoned my purse back, "Thank you, ma'am!" I walked over to where Adrien was sitting, he was panicking at something on his phone. 

"What's wrong?" I got no response, he just kept shaking his leg, each time it hitting the floor and making a semi loud noise. "Adrien." His other hand was out on the table, I grabbed it as he looked up at me. "Sorry.. My dad's going crazy right now." I gripped onto his hand tighter, "Hand me the phone model boy." He handed it over resistantly, I dialed his fathers number. 

"Adrien Agreste, get back here this instant! I checked your tracking, why are you all the way in London? If you don't come home as soon as possible, I'm sending Gorilla to pick you up. And don't you think about going to ANY school activit-" My anger was already rising, he was such a helicopter parent. "Sir, this isn't Adrien-" His voice got louder, "AND WHY WOULD YOU HAVE MY SON'S PHONE?" I panicked, a thousand excuses popped into my brain. "Your son isn't here, we swapped phones earlier today. I'm in London hanging out with a friend who lives here, I don't know where Adrien is I'm sorry." Just then the phone hung up and mine started ringing, I ignored it and sat back down. 

"Order for y/n!" 

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