Chapter 2: Tripping, Falling

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We arrived outside the school, seeing our friends in a group waiting for us, probably wondering why our arrival was so delayed, but when wasn't I late? I hop off and Adriens arms unwrapped around me, allowing me to breathe, although a part of me wanted them to stay there. He kept struggling with his helmet, again. "Oh model boy, more trouble with the helmet?" He laughed, I took off my helmet and put it in a little box I had in the back, "Here." I gave a warm smile and again had to come right up in his personal space, there was tension, but was it mutual? I started fiddling with it, "Do you enjoy breaking everything I own?"  

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." He gave such a playful smirk I had to laugh, "If you need help, I'm here." He kept teasing me, but I couldn't tell if it was friendly or flirtatiously... 

"Here, it's off. We'll go pick you out a new helmet after school, I swear if I hear one excuse I'm throwing you on the bike without a helmet." He laughed, we always bickered. My mom thinks we act like a elderly couple and I kind of see it. I notice im still in his personal space, he grabbed my hand as I tried to back away, "Hm?" He just glared at me, it was... comforting. 

"Thank you... For picking me up everyday, being here, with everything in my personal life thats gone on, I couldn't ask for anyone better. Don't tell Nino I said this, but dude you rock." We both laughed, just when I realized Marinette had been listening to our conversation, aimlessly looking at adrien with wide eyes. 

"Of course, remember "I FouNd ThE gOLdFisH, nemOo HeRE I CoMe" What were we? Five?" He immediately laughed, he ran around with a fish at our favorite lake and thought he found Nemo, it's become a inside joke ever since, except everyone else thinks we're crazy. 

"Please, or "WhAt AbOUt FredD? WhY iS dAphNE sO flIppING iMPorTanT tO yOu?" We were insane, but aren't we now?" I love our inside jokes to death, it makes me feel special. Knowing even if he doesn't feel the same way, he's always going to be my best friend. We were still inches from each others face, but I don't think either of us cared. Until we were interrupted... 

"H-h-hi Adrien..." I don't mind Marinette, it makes me a bit mad she likes Adrien but you can't stop who you love, and I wouldn't stop her from going for it. We both back up and Marinette is kinda sandwiched between us. 

"Hey Marinette!" He waved at her, he keeps eyeing me making sure I'm alright. 

"I'll leave ya'll to it, I need to meet up with my best friend the famous ladyblogger, remember helmet. I'm throwing you on without one if you don't come along! Okay, see you, see you in history Adrien." He smiled and waved me on, I went ahead and went forward to Alya even if it pained me to see Marinette flirting with him, or attempting at least. 

"Hey! Remember, NemOOoOOo" He shouted back and I just turned around to laugh and wave back. I see Alya beside my locker publishing to the Ladyblog. 

"Hey girl! So sorry I'm late, Adrien and I ran into traffic, ended up helping an old man cross the street, had MAJOR tension with a helmet situation, and now I'm he-"

"GIRL, TENSION? SPILL, ACTUALLY LEMME LADYBLOG IT!! SPILL!" I'm now standing there with a camera poked in front of my face, shocked, surprised, and scared. "Okay, I'm just kidding. Don't worry, I'm not that nosey. But seriously, what do you mean tension?" I fix my posture and gesture her to sit down on a bench, I sit beside her, and spill e v e r y t h i n g.  "Okay, unsure if he meant friendly or flirtatiously either but- progress. I love Marinette and all, but I see you two together, there's a lot of possibility between you too. I can ask Nino to ask what happened if you'd like! Obviously discreetly, but I mean I need to know the full scoop on this!" She smiled so big, she's always shipped us two. She grabbed a iced coffee out of her bag and handed it too me, "Here, I grabbed this for you today!" 

"Gosh, thank you so much girl! I barely got any sleep last night, kinda sleep deprived to say the least." I pulled her into a hug and she seemed so surprised for some reason, coffee is the way to my heart to be honest. 

Alya popped up and looked out the locker room window, "Is that adrien hugging Marinette?" I pop up and decide to go out there to see what's going on, I don't really care if he was, it's just a hug. But my gut told me to, it's rarely failed me. 

"Follow my lead! I promise it's nothing harmful, just seeing what's going on, I have a gut feeling." She nods, I wrap my arm around her shoulder pretending to ramble about her and Nino. I walk outside the door, "But to be honest you and Nino are purr-fect for each other, I even inverted you all's picture and your clothes reversed are the same color as each other's look!!" I said pretending to have something on my phone then I see Chloe and Lila teaming up to trip Marinette as she walks through the hall. Not what I was expecting, but still something I can stop. I lower my tone, "Alya, here's whats up. Chloe, Lila, tripping Mari, the second locker room near math." She nods and I head over there, tripping over it instead, saving Marinette who was coming down the near hallway. Adrien immediately rushed over and helped me up, I wasn't hurt just bruised my stomach a bit, not too bad, but I saved a friend, I keep hearing something rustle around in my bag...

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