My Story Begins

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My name is Tammy Lillian Riddle; my friends call me either Tamz or Tammy. I have lived with a family named the Michaels for the past fifteen years and I am sixteen years old. I had spent the first year of my life with the Malfoys until they found a better family for me, or so the Michaels told me. I suspected there was another reason for giving me away. But they always made it a point to visit or have me come over for the weekend until I was ten.

I was best friends with Draco when we were little, we lived fairly close to the Malfoy Manor, but after I moved to France, we just grew apart as all people do, still communicating whenever we could if we ever did at all. In the end, it ended up being just a letter or two over the holidays as well as our gifts to each other for Christmas.

 The Michaels are a rich, pureblood family and they're good friends with the Malfoys, but they aren't Death Eaters, quite the opposite really, they were totally against the Dark Lord and everyone that stood with them, but Mr. Michaels has always been good friends with Mr. Malfoy from when they attended Hogwarts together. Mr. Michaels was one of those rare Slytherins who actually didn't turn out to be evil in the end.

In France, I had attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. I guess I'm pretty, but not as pretty as the other girls there. All I had was long black hair and nothing-special green eyes, I managed to stick out like a sore, ugly thumb at Beauxbatons. They were all pale and blonde and strikingly beautiful. Even the boys were prettier than me.

All the Michaels ever told me about my real family was that I was born in England, but they had no clue who my parents were since I was definitely not a Malfoy. At first, I really wanted to know who my parents were and what had happened to them, but I became consumed by life and lost focus on my search. Besides, the Michaels were absolutely good to me and, though I never considered them my parents, they were my family.

Also, in addition to being a witch, I am also an Elemental. Elementals are people who possess the power to bend the elements. Sometimes the powers can lay dormant in the genes for generations. I found out about my powers in an unfortunate accident when I was ten. I've been trying to train myself to control my powers ever since. I find the occasional book about Elementals and go from there.

I was unusually intelligent in school, or so the teachers kept telling me; they put me in Advanced classes two years early at my protest. However, I'm still underage so I can't leave school early, but I decided to stay and continue learning as there was always something new to learn. Besides, it gave me more access to books on Elementals.

In a few days, I'll be moving back to England alone. The Michaels will most likely never see me again and I will be forced to live with the Malfoys for the rest of my schooling. For reasons unknown to me, they wanted me to come back. I was not too eager for such a change.

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