Chapter 1: The Oak Tree On The Wall

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Eren: Hey. Hey wake up, you've been out for a week c'mon get up. Jeez these kids sure do sleep a lot. I guess I'll just have to take 'em back to my house, better then let Mikasa bomb them with questions.

*at Eren's house*


Eren: Hey you guys, now that you're awake, get outta my bed, where did you come from anyways?

Gabe: Dunno? Just happened I suppose...

Eren: C'mon we need to get you guys some shelter. Just follow me. These kids remind me of the three of us back then. Alright here we are!


Alex: This is the strangers house, idiot

Gabe: Can we all agree that this guy looks really cool

Alex: I definitely see that, but he also looks very shady to me.

Gabe: You know, why don't I just use my shadow control on this guy?

Alex: No *slaps the back of his head*

Gabe: OWWWWWW!! What? I'm joking.

Alex: Doesn't matter

Arjun: Guys, just look, we need to stay focused. There's a reason why we are here so let's keep alert.

*time skip to the next few hours brought to you by the female titan*

Gabe: Hey this is a pretty sweet place, OOK FREE BOMBS

Alex: Um- Gabe, how did you find them??? I got lost in thought again...

Gabe: Ha! Do you think I will reveal my secrets?

Ellenore: I wonder where the food is, I'm pretty hungry.

Gabe: I have stashed away some bombs for later.

Arjun: You two aren't you gonna eat? Ellenore is already at the table eating.

Ellenore: *turns around with her mouth full* Hm?

Arjun: Never mind

Alex: Well I'll go eat. I've been hungry for a while. You gonna continue on with what you were doing Gabe?

Gabe: Oh... yea. Why do I feel a strange tingle as if something dangerous is closing in slowly but surely? Oh well, it's best not to worry about it. HEY! Guys save some food for me will ya.

Eren: So do you guys know anything about how you got here?

Arjun, Alex, Ellenore, and Gabe stare at each other with confusion waiting for one of them to answer, when none of them do. They just shake their heads.

Eren: I guess this is just gonna repeat in a different perspective. Well at least I tried

Armin: Hey Ere- Oh? Who are the kids?

Eren: Dunno, they just appeared. I'm just giving them a place to stay.

Armin: Oh ok. Anyways, Mikasa wanted you to see if you're available to talk about the next operation.

Mikasa: Well I thought you'd be thinking about how to defeat more titans around now.

Alex: Wait- Commander Mikasa? Section Commander Armin? The commanders from the scouts regiment??

Gabe: I would like a role in the scouts, give me two days and two swords. Those titans will be wiped off this earth. But I will give them a chance, if they attack within this week they're dead meat.

Mikasa + Armin: Just how Eren used to think. Well... mostly...

Gabe: Well *yawn* I'm tired. I'll go kill titans in a few hours

Alex: *yawn*  I'm not that tired but I guess I could just draw for a bit till I fall asleep.

Ellenore: *yawn* You guys need to cover your mouths when you yawn

Arjun: Well *yawn* there's no stopping it

Armin: Get some sleep. Mikasa won't let you go to war without a six pack.

Gabe + Arjun + Ellenore + Alex: Should we tell them about our powers?

Gabe: Commander Mikasa, Section Commander Armin, I think it's time we reveal our powers to you

Alex + Arjun: Already??? Why this sudden?

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