Chapter 15 | corsets

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"The skiff is still here. Travellers downstairs are complaining, they were due to cross this morning." Explained Inej as she took her scarf off.

"Orders from the black General, he plans to cross on it tomorrow." Kaz declared.

"What?" I questioned while stepping away from the poll Jesper and I leaned against.

"The general? Is that the same General who tried to...oh yeah, kill us all? That one."
Jesper protested before looking out the window in despair.

"He has the sun summoner!" Declared Kaz, I turned my head away from Jesper to look at him.

"Is this what it's all about? This was your plan all along? Have the general get her back so you can take her again! I should've known."
I huffed while throwing my hands up in the air.
How was I foolish enough to believe what he told me last night, I thought while turning my back to him.

"My plan is to get us across the fold!" Kaz defended himself as he glared at my back.
"We aren't prepared for another fight." He added while looking at Inej who stood on my right.

"So your not going to take another run at Aline?" I asked in frustration as I spun around to glare at him.

"You're really willing to let a million kruge go?"
Inej added as Jesper raised his eyebrows at Kaz.

"Jesper and I can't do it without you." Kaz answered Inej as he looked down at the table.

"Been saying that since day one." Jesper spoke gently to not offend Inej.

"And, you've made your position perfectly clear." Kaz added while looking up at Inej beside me.

"So all you want is to cross the fold?" She asked. Kaz watched her carefully for a moment before reverting his eyes to meet mine as I tilted my head as a warning.
He dropped his head and nodded quickly.

"Once we land in Novokribirsk, it's your choice what you do next, (Y/N) as well."
Kaz exclaimed. Inej turned her head sideways to meet my eyes for validation before she glanced behind me at Jesper who nodded in agreement.

"Okay." She signed before Kaz raised from his chair.

"Hang on," Jesper exclaimed.
"Are we talking about boarding a skiff with people who will recognize us?" He asked.
"People who don't like us much."

"We'll have to blend in, who else was on that skiff?" Kaz asked Inej.

"Some people from the winter fete. Dignitaries from Kerch and Novyi Zem on their way back home." She answered.

"Now, they're audience to one more light show."
Kaz nodded while looking at each of us as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Jesper, how did you enjoy playing a Zemeni guard?"


"Hello boys." I smirked while strolling towards three men and a drunken lady.
"In need of one more?" I faked a laugh as they looked me up and down while the girl tried to contain her giggling due to the amount of alcohol in her system.

"Wouldn't hurt anyone." One of them exclaimed while his friend hit him playfully on the shoulder.

"Here's the deal, you give me your clothes and the girl and I'll give you a perk."


"Your clothes give them to me with the girl."
I exclaimed with a fake smirk.

"Why would we do that?" The least drunk one asked.

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