Chapter 13 | touch

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"Inej!" I exclaimed in panic.

"Hey."Jesper reassured as he supported her.
I walked over and wrapped my arm around her back as she grunted in pain.

"The Inferni, she's dead." Spoke Inej.

Kaz looked at me through his brows for a second before nodding to Inej as I let her rest herself against my side while Jesper held her arm for extra support.

"Well, you can't manage a horse." Said Jesper as he reverted his eyes to meet mine while Inej grunted in pain.
"Not even riding double." He added.

"We'll have to come up with another plan!"
I exclaimed as Inej looked at me. Kaz held eye contact with me but as soon as I spoke he reverted them somewhere else.

"Saints," Inej whispered under her breath.
Kaz's eyes had found Kirigan's ride in a matter of seconds.

"That's a pretty nice ride!" He exclaimed as I turned my head to look at him. Parked behind him was a luxurious black carriage.

"Yes, indeed it is," Jesper smirked.
Kaz didn't hesitate to hurry towards the carriage as Jesper let go of Inej's other side to follow after him causing Inej to put all of her weight against me.

"You'll be alright," I whispered before supporting her towards the carriage.

"Oh, hello." Jesper greeted once he opened the doors, revealing a middle-aged man with a fur hat and a purple kefta.
Materialki, I thought.
The man threw the book he was reading at Jesper before rushing out of the carriage from the other side.
When he looked around for anyone, Kaz stroke towards him with his cane in hand. The man turned around in panic and was welcomed with a hard knock to the head by Kaz's cane,

"He threw a book at me." Inej and I heard Jesper say from the other side of the carriage as I helped her inside.

"You have to keep still if you don't want it to sting," I told her as she laid her back against the carriage wall and put her feet on the rest of the seat.

"Easy for you to say." She giggled which caused her to grunt from the pain.

"That's nasty," Jesper whispered as he jumping in and sat himself next to me on the seat opposite of the one Inej occupied on her own.

"You can't see anything Jesper," I spoke and rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour while Kaz closed the doors from outside.

"Still its-"

"We get it."


"Is this all we have left?" Questioned Inej once Kaz finished gathering all valuable things from us and placed them on the gig we surrounded.
She groaned as she asked the question causing me to revert my eyes from the gig to her while biting my fingernails.
"Jesper my bag." She ordered while folding her shirt upwards to reveal her wound on her abdomen.
Jesper gaged as he watched Inej pull the white rug I place on her wound when we were still in the carriage.

"Mother of saints." He spoke as Kaz watched her carefully

Inej sat herself on a stool with her back against the wall while pulling out a needle and string from the bag Jesper handed her.

"It's not healing on its own, I need to stitch it."
She explained while breathing heavily.

"How long before you can travel?"
Asked Kaz from behind me.

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