Chapter 9 | pain

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2 days later

"Ah, let me go!" I groaned while kicking the guard that tried to pull me out from under the carriage.

"Stupid girl!" The man shouted as he finally pulled me to my feet. Groaning aggressively, I tried to wiggle my way out of the grip
he held on my shoulders causing him to shout for support.

"Let me see the sun summoner!" I yelled as another guard grabbed my arms from behind.
While still trying to get loose I looked to my right at Marko's carriage and his crew, which contained Jesper and Inej who watched me fight for my freedom with smirks on their lips.
"I just want to see her!" I shouted once I finally got loose and ran towards Jesper and Inej but three guards immediately blocked my passage, one of them being Kaz.

One of the guards hit my stomach with his gun in order of stopping me from running any further. I fell to my knees while grunting in pain before a guard pulled me up to my feet while holding my arms behind my back.
Jesper and Inej stood a few feet behind the guards in front of me with concerned expressions as Kaz was stood to my right as he watched me protectively.

"Do we really need the entire corps for one woman?" The general asked as I glared at him through my eyebrows while leaning forward before the man that held my arms tugged on them causing me to jolt back and raise my head.
"You two get her inside!" He ordered the man that held me captive and Kaz.
Kaz walked over to us as he gripped me by the right arm while the other man did the same with my left arm. The two guided me through the open gates of the Little Palace as I held a smile of satisfaction on my lips as they did so.

The three of us reached a corner before entering the palace itself which gave Kaz and I the perfect opportunity to push the other guard against the wall.

"Hey, what are you-" the man started to shout but I blocked his mouth with my hand before leaning close to his ear.

"I bet you don't like it when you're held captive, do you?" I whispered in his ear before pulling away just enough to make eye contact with him. He wore a facial expression of terror while Kaz stared at us from beside me with his jaw clenched tightly.
I opened my hand and placed it in front of Kaz as I kept eye contact with the guard. Kaz pulled out his pistol and handed it to me with the barrel in my hand. I wrapped my fingers tightly around the barrel of the pistol before swinging the handle of the gun against the guard's head causing him to fall unconscious. Stepping back a whipped my nose with my sleeve and exhaled slowly.

"That felt good," I exclaimed while Kaz stared at me with a neutral expression.

"Get it over with." He said before turning around so his back would face me.
The wall the guard sat unconscious against was in between a house and the castle so no one would see us. I crouched in front of the guard and stripped his uniform off and put it on over my white shirt and black pants.

"You don't have to turn around you know. I won't flash you." I exclaimed while rolling my eyes and buttoning the uniform.
Kaz turned around to face me once again as he stared at me dead in the eyes.
"Your really not the talkative type are you Brekker?" I smirked as I finished buttoning my uniform.
Kaz exhaled forcefully before he grabbed my upper arm and dragged me with him.

"Still don't trust me huh?" I whispered in his ear causing the tips of his ears to turn a gentle shade of pink as I giggled before he let me walk on my own. He was clearly not in the mood of flirting with his investment.

10 minutes later

"You know I'm starting to think that you only really use the cane to make your enemies petty you!" I spoke quietly so no one would hear the echoes of my voice in the hallways.

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