Chapter 6 | twice

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"We're almost there." Said the conductor who revealed his name to be Arken on the way here.

"Where the hell is Jesper?" Kaz cursed.
We rounded the corner of a hill that led straight to the fold.

"Just a little further."
We stopped in front of a large sign with inscribed words I couldn't read and a drawing of a man's foot flying off
landmines, clearly.

"Landmines." Inej and I spoke at the same time as I turned my head to look at her.

"We'll wait!" Kaz exclaimed as Arken continued to walk towards the fold.
I felt my stomach turn when I examined the fold from this close, the nightmares I had the first few weeks after entering such a dark place had marked me forever and now they were slowly coming back to life after a such short period of time.
"We'll follow the path that you carve," Kaz added.

"That sign that was my idea to keep people away. Can't be too careful." He revealed.
"We're fine, come." He encouraged as he started to walk away.

Kaz sent both Inej and I a look of doubt before she took the first step towards the fold.
Not my pick, I thought as I followed after her.

Petrifying was an understatement.
I could hear the sounds of screeching volcras piercing through the steady silence of nighttime and thunder rumbling loudly like a band of drummers in an empty room.

"It's one thing hearing about it, but this is..."

"Nothing compared to what lies inside, trust me." I interrupted Inej while I let my eyes studied the fold from bottom to top as she glanced over her shoulder at me.
Arken turned around to hand Inej his torch before he disappeared into the thick fog without a word.
Kaz tilted his head to the left to look at me after he surveyed the fold for himself.
My facial expression was something he'd never seen before in the short period of time we'd spent together. It looked nothing like the one I wore when Dreesen threatened to take my life.
Back then I was terrified of a simple pistol pointed at my skull. I was frightened by the thought of not being able to protect myself from being exterminated from the surface of the planet.

But here...this...I have the choice to turn around and protect myself from what lies within.
From the volcras, people who were once placed in the same position as the one Dreesen had put me in days ago, one I'd never recover from.

Kaz was fighting against his will to comfort the girl next to him. The girl he asked himself so many questions about. The one he thought twice about. How could he not pity someone who wore the same expression as (Y/N) in that very moment? Wide eyes, slightly gaped lips,
shivers disguised by her heavy breathing but most of all, her expression of familiarity.

The loud sound of wheels squeaking brought everyone back to their current reality as the goat Kaz held close to his body with a leash bleated.
Arken emerged from fog seconds later while spinning a wheel to advance a large metal box, or train I should say.

"So goat, jurda...thank you."
He thanked both of them as he grabbed the leash from Kaz and the bag of jurda from Inej.
"Now we're just waiting on..."

"Wait for me!" Jesper shouted a few yards away from us as gunshots rang behind him.

"What in the world..."

"They can't see the train!" Arken stressed as he shoved the torch Inej held into the dirt.

"Jesper, get here now!" Kaz ordered angrily.

"Leave the lantern, Jesper," I shouted as I formed a circle with my hands around my mouth.

"Landmines!" Jesper freaked out as someone shot a bullet at the sign.
"Oh, wait for me." He shouted while dropping the lantern on the ground and sprinting in our direction anxiously.
"Don't you go without me!"  He exclaimed loudly as gunshots rang behind him.

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