Chapter 10 | saved

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"Yes, Inej?" I questioned while jumping out of the carriage.

"I want you to have something." She exclaimed calmly with a small smile visible on her lips.

"What could you possibly want to give me?" I giggled as she pulled out a pin from her hair causing all of her long strands to fall loose on her shoulder.

"I want you to have this dart as a gift." She grabbed my wrist that was hanging next to my hip to place the hairpin in my hands.
"To protect yourself." She added once she folded my fingers around the silver dart that was disguised as a hairpin.

"Oh no I could never accept this, It must mean a lot to you," I argued out she placed her hand over mine while smiling brightly.

"That's why I want you to have it." She insisted.
I stared at her in confusion for a moment before she let go of my hands and walked away without a word.

"She's never had a female friend you know."
Jesper spoke while stepping out of the carriage himself.

"Neither have I."

3 hours later

Walking down the stairs with Arken following behind, we passed Inej who sent us a nod before disappearing behind the doors with a guard uniform Kaz gave her.

I turned the corner in the stairs while adjusting my hat before stopping in front of Kaz. Arken walked the rest of the stairs to us before Kaz handed him a guard uniform like the one he gave Inej seconds ago.

"See you at the meeting point." Spoke Arken as he walked around the corner and down the remaining stairs.
I nodded at Kaz even though I knew he was a little on edge with me recently. I waited a second for him to say something or nod back but he didn't which lead me to huff quietly and rush after Arken with Kaz watching me walk down the rest of the stairs.

"Are you sure this is the correct hallway?" Arken whispered as we walked down the hall.

"100% sure," I answered as we slowed down near the wall I knew the hidden door was.
Arken walked past me with the lodestone in hand before he slid it across the wall creating a mechanical creaking sound as he did so.
I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was peeking around the corner and watching us break into the fitting room.
When Arken stopped moving the stone against the wall he looked at me for a confirmation which I gave him by nodding my head. He turned his head back to face the wall and pressed his hands against it. It slid open easily allowing us both to enter unnoticed. I smirked, pleased by how easy it was to get inside without the help of a Materialnik.

"Smooth," I whispered more to myself than Arken as he closed the door behind us.

"It's not over just yet." He exclaimed quietly as he roamed the room with his eyes.
"She should be arriving soon."

"So we just capture her and run down the hallway with her in custody?" I questioned while sitting against a wall with my hands on my knees.

"That's the clearest it can get, yes." He answered from in front of me.

"And no one will see us?" I asked sarcastically.

"No one will see us if Mr. Brekker and his accomplice successfully clear the halls."

"Right," I answered and scrunched my nose before closing my eyes for a moment.

"(Y/N)," he spoke causing me to open one eye to look at him.
"If anything goes...not according to plan, you must not hesitate to save yourself." He exclaimed while stepping behind a red curtain.

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