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"Have you heard about the news?" a random person asked his companion while I eavesdroped from a tree on the porch.

"About The Darkling being dead and the Sun summoner on the loose?  Yeah, everyone is talking about it!"

The Darkling being dead? I doubt that, but everyone seems to believe, or want to believe it. He was the Grisha general, General Kirigan is what he went by. And if an army doesn't have their leader, they are less powerful. Easier to take down.
But The Darkling being killed by something that his kind created? A creation of a shadow summoner hurting another? That's just rubbish if you ask me.

But my opinion doesn't really matter. Everyone thinks I have a wild imagination. Maybe I do, since every now and then I get this dreams... They don't seem like dreams tho... It's like I'm watching something that happened in the past, seeing it through another's eyes. But I doubt they are human. Because every time, I see things from different places, heights, distance... Once I even had a feeling I was a flying bird, passing by the little palace.

"Ember! Dinner time!" Mrs. Tonovački called.

"Coming" I said after waiting for the men to go away as I jumped down the tree and walked towards the door of our house.

You see, I have been living with this wonderful family since I can remember. Said that they found me under a weeping Willow, all alone without any sign of my parents. I was just an infant, so they took me in.

It's been seventeen years since then and I am quite happy. We are not the richest family but we have just enough. When I was about eight, Mr. and Mrs. Tonovački had another child. Her name is Autumn. They of course loved me, but having their own child. That was different. The so called "parents" didn't act any different towards me, which brought  even me to start loving that little bundle of joy.

But something did change, and not because of the new child.

See, even as a little baby I showed the signs of having Grisha abilities. But not just any abilities. The special kind, the kind nobody had had before and because the Tonovački's were scared of what would happen if the Grisha found me, they made sure I didn't use my abilities a lot, if at all.

I was and still am very obedient because I have always been grateful that they took me in so I didn't make a lot of trouble and respected their rules. But as I grew older, my abilities grew with me and if I didn't let them out, they made a mess. A mess that made other people wonder where it came from. So we found this field a couple of miles away from our house and the fold where I could let loose for a bit on not lash out in the middle of the village.

I am allowed to go there once a week. Alone and through the night. It's a bit risky but better than our neighborhood finding out about my abilities.

It was a Friday, the day on which I usually had my trip to the field.

"Are you still going to the field tonight?  You know, after everything that happened at the fold?" a nine year old Autumn asked while the other two people in the room looked at me, no doubt about to ask the same question.


" What if you wait a little longer.. maybe a day or two? or, or a week?" Mrs. Tonovački asked with pleading eyes.

"Two days are not gonna make anything less dangerous, which I honestly don't even know what made it more dangerous if you believe The Darkling is dead."

"And if I wait another week" I paused and looked at them. "We all know what may happen..."

*5 years ago*

"You are staying here young lady"

"But Mrs. Tonovački" my twelve year old self pled.

"No but's, you are staying here. You have enough food for the whole week and we will be back before you know it!"

"But why can't I go with you?"

"Because we can't get just one child tested and refuse to test the other one"

After a bit more pleading and saying no, the three of Tonovački left, leaving me alone. They were going to a village a couple of miles norther, where the children will get tested for Grisha powers.

At the time I didn't understand why they didn't take me to get tested aswell and maybe get some answer  about me and that made me incredibly sad.

So it rained for the majority of that week.

"Yeah, but that was a long time ago. Sure you can control your abilities better now" Mr. Tonovački  argued and tried to convince me to stay.

"What about that incidence with Mason Ilister two years ago? They couldn't put out the fire on the garden for days! They even called the tidemakers seven day in and it took them three more day! Probably even more if I wouldn't calmed down by then..."

"But that was still two ye-"

"I'm sorry but I'm going. And it's for the best! I need to clear my mind because of all this dreams, or visions or what evere they are I've been having..."

"You hair is turning blue and gray again" Autumn butted in.

"See, I need to go" I replied while I stood up and by the look on their faces, my eyes had also turned, my guess purple.

"Bye, see you tomorrow morning" I said my last good-bye for some time while putting on my coat and untying my now natural (or most of the time) long brown hair.

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