Chapter 6

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"Ryan Brown." He said. I just kept silent as I didn't have anything to say with my mind busy trying to believe the huge amount of information I got today.

"You were closer to your real family than you thought you were." He whispered. He smirked at my obvious confusion.

Does that mean I've been near them? I don't reckon meeting my biological parents.

I was actually feeling dizzy now. I felt my hands shaking. I clenched and unclenched my jaw a few times and took deep breaths.

"I don't know how a worthless bitch like you can think they can have anything good for them. Where'd you find out the truth anyway?"

Before I could burst, I heard the front door slam open. I heard footsteps as my gaze shifted to the door.

About half a minute later, two guys were standing in the room and guess what? They had blue eyes!!!

And what else? The headache started as soon as I saw them. It was even fainter now.

The first one to enter who looked like he always had anger sitting on his nose, staggered back a little at the situation before him. Couldn't blame him. He stood there taking in the scene before calling out to whoever was behind him.

"Hey!! Move faster. There's something really interesting going on here." He said to the second man who entered behind him, just two seconds later.

And guess who it was?

Freaking Mason Costello.

I avoided looking at them both in the eye as I felt a faint pain in my head. It was not as severe as when I first met Mason. I really think I'm getting used to it.

"What Jace?" He stopped in his tracks and staggered back.

"What the hell is happening here?" Mason said glancing at the unconscious woman on the floor then at the man held at gunpoint, then at me.

As soon as his gaze landed on me, his eyebrows furrowed. He seemed genuinely confused.

Again, can't blame him. He saw me in Blonde hair and green eyes back at the base. Now I have red hair and green contacts.

They both took a seat and made themselves comfortable as they watched my every move.

"Do we have someone- WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?" The sweet voice of Aunt Bianca changed into a screeching tone as she took in the whole situation.

I put my index finger on my lips to shush her as she looked a little scared but relieved, probably because it was me who held them at gunpoint and not the other way around.

Ignoring the two guys, because one, they can kill me in a blink if I try to kick them out and two, if I'm leaving forever, might as well get everything done now.

"Aunt Bianca, can you please ask someone to bring the box in the basement locker? And the trunk too, the one in the corner." I said, as politely as I could, but a shiver ran through my spine at my own cold tone.

She nodded looking at me wide eyed. Again, can't blame her, she has always seen the sweet and polite girl my parents wanted me to be.

"No! Don't bring it here." Chris said. His eyes flicked from me to Mason costello and who I think is his brother.

"Why?" I asked, giving him a suspicious look.

Third POV

Chris knew these men were related to her. He guessed by their features. They actually looked alike. One look at them and Ava and he could tell they were related. That means she was related to the mafia.

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