Home pt. III

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"Hello, hello, hello, my friends!"

"Hondo what happened?" Ahsoka asked looking around, "I remember your crew was a bit bigger than this."

She walked down the landing pad and looked around at the terrain. She hasn't been here since Grievous invaded with his army. The Forrest life was dry and lifeless, not many animals here either, and most of the terrain was brown and lacked most color but definitely not odorless. The stench of motor oil and booze filled the air more than anything and wasn't very kind to sensitive noses.

"Ah well, you see after Kenobi and his lady Jedi friend arrived as well as those two monsters they fought, a lot of my men were caught in the cross fire," Hondo said sniffing through it all, "unfortunately Kenobi's friend was killed but the battle was great! He grabbed her laser sword and those monsters ran away leaving a few limbs behind. Oh, he fought them off heroically!" He said whooshing a pretend lightsaber through the air.

"Sounds intense," Sabine said almost impressed.

"Well, yes you could say that I guess."

They walked to the large entrance and down the main corridor. There were a few refugees sitting in the corridor here and there. Sabine glanced by one and assumed he was drunk from his swaying back and forth to mumbling a pirate tune.

"So why'd you call us down here?" Sabine asked trying to avoid running into any more drunk pirates.

"Right, so I kept thinking about how Ezra just disappeared into the dark soul sucking void of sp-" Hondo stopped realizing he was talking to Sabine, "sorry. I knew he couldn't have just died so I went investigating."

"You went investigating for Ezra? Some random kid who didn't steal from you or cause you any problems." Sabine said astonished to think he actually cared for someone other than himself.

"Well he is part of my crew and he owes me a job as well, but that's not the point!" Hondo said waving his hands around in front of Ahsoka and Sabine.

"That makes more sense. Wait what do you mean your crew?" Sabine asked realizing what he just said.

"Yes, when I— uh, borrowed Vizago's ship for a job I might have recruited him. But non the less he is our friend."

"Sure, whatever keep going," Sabine said trying to keep Hondo on track.

They entered his control room and Hondo turned on the damaged holotable. It flickered at first but then turned on. It brought up a map of the outer rim and part of the deep space with planted crossed off.

"Hondo, this is amazing!" Ahsoka said in awe.

"It is?" Hondo asked trying to sound like he knew why.

"Yes! With this information and the information Sabine and I have, it only leaves two planets left in the outer rim. We might actually find Ezra soon."

"And if we don't?" Sabine asked knowing the most likely outcome.

Ahsoka turned off the holotable, "Then we keep looking."

Wow ok this ones pretty good I think. I am going to move it over to it's own story because this would take up a lot of chapters in my one shots. I'll keep the three chapters here tho. Ok bye.

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