Home Pt. II

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Pt. II hope y'all like

"Hondo?" Sabine asked sifting through old memories of missions gone bad and friends long gone, "He'll help us, I'm sure of it."

"What makes you think that?" Ahsoka replied.

"Hondo actually helped us back in the day. He said that he would be there for whatever Ezra needed help with. I didn't believe him but I guess he's looking for him too," Sabine determinedly said while punching in the coordinates for Florrum.

"That's right, Hera told me about some of those missions. I knew Hondo back in the Clone Wars so he at least won't try and kill me." Ahsoka said trying to bring a smile to Sabines face.

The stars blurred together in a matter of seconds and sped away from the ship. No matter where they went or for what reason, the speeding stars were soothing to Sabine. The soft blue swirling past the cockpit, illuminating the interior. Sabine walked to her room, grabbed her spray paints, and started painting. Not many things calmed her the way painting did but even now she was still very nervous.

She stopped for a second and started to think deeply. What if he's different? What if I find his body? What happens if I DON'T find his body? The thoughts flurried around and wouldn't go away so Sabine started to draw what came to her.

She painted with joy and happiness but at the same time fear and anxiousness. She truly didn't know what she had just finished painting but she stepped back to admire it. It was a crashed Star Destroyer with Ezra standing brave and tall in front of it. His shirt ripped showing parts of his toned body, or at least what she thought of as toned.

Ahsoka knocked on her door, "Come in!" She shouted through the door.

The door flung open and Ahsoka walked in, "We arrive at Florumm in less than an hour, get ready."

"No problem," she responded.

"Nice drawing," Ahsoka said monotoned looking at her wall. Nothing truly phased Ahsoka anymore, and after Rex died she lost her last link to her old self. She smiled at the memories she had with him, from the battle of Christophsis to the Siege of Mandalore.

The light speed alarm brought Ahsoka's attention back to the present. They both rushed up to the cockpit for landing.  Two Corona-class armored frigates came into view.

"They've charged their primary cannons!" Ahsoka growled while grabbing the laser cannons controls.

"Ohnaka Gang stand down! This is the Phoenix Infinity. We're here to have a chat with your Captain," Sabine said opening the channels to open frequency.

"'Right then, but nobody ain't gonna speak to the cap'n without permission." One of the pilots grumbled. His voice was low, rough, and had a thick accent.

"We-we have permission, he told us to meet him," Sabine stuttered over the fact that the weequays didn't know they were coming.

"Alright then, wait right there while we contact the boss," the second pilot said through the static. A few minutes passed and the awkward silence was interrupted, "yeah you're good to go. Land in landing bay 3."

"Bay 3, understood," Sabine repeated.

The red and white T-6 shuttle rotated its wing and opened its landing gears to land in the bay. The door hissed open and Ahsoka and Sabine were met by an older looking weequay no one could forget.

"Hello hello hello, my friends!"

Ok sorry for the wait I've been busy with school. Ok bye.

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