Fly Away 07

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When I wake up I realize 2 things: one I fell asleep on top of the blankets and two Louis' arm is wrapped around my waist and my back is against his chest. I look back at him and he's still asleep from what I can tell. I look around the room in a panic, 11:08am, and feel less stressed when I see that Issie is still asleep. I get up slowly and rest louis' arm on the bed. I walk to the bathroom and get ready, and put on a white, flowy summer dress. Everybody eventually gets up at 11:30ish and we decided we would go get breakfast. Issie and I decide to get our own table. She says we need to talk and that it is extremely important. It's a cute bungalow restaurant. Issie and I grab a table by the window and Louis grabs one on the other side of the restaurant.

(a/n Ok so sorry about the picture being blown up, you don't have to "wear" this one if you don't want but i liked it)

(a/n Ok so sorry about the picture being blown up, you don't have to "wear" this one if you don't want but i liked it)

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"Okay, what was so important we had to get a separate table?" I ask Issie. She's looking behind me, out the window. I turn around to see what she's looking at. A boy, Issie is looking at the green eyed cabana boy behind me. He has a tan complexion, messy brown hair and green eyes. I turn around to look at Issie. "The cabana boy, Issie? You like the cabana boy?".

"Well, yes, but no,"

"Yes, but no? What does that mean?"

"Yes as in I like him, and no as in we have never talked to each other" I look at her confused. "Then talk to him"

"Whatever, that's not even what i wanted to talk about- I look over and see this girl standing by Louis' table, She looks our age and she is not a waiter. Not a waiter, I knew he didn't like me. If he liked me he most likely wouldn't be talking to other girls. She's pretty with light skin and dark brown hair and jean shorts and a purple tank top and blue eyes and clear skin. I wonder if Louis likes her? She's sitting down. Why is she sitting down? . . .

"Y/n! Y/n! Hello? Who the hell is that? Y/n?" Issie is yelling at me. She is asking who that girl is too.

"What?" I ask her. "I've been talking to you for 2 minutes and then I realized you were staring at Louis on the other side of the restaurant" She says loud enough for Louis to hear. Louis turns around and looks at me, so does that girl beside him. I just look away and Issie says sorry quietly. Louis stands up and the girl after him, she leans in for a hug but Louis puts out his hand for her to shake. He almost dodges her hug and they end up just shaking hands. Louis laughs as soon as he is faced away from her and he walks towards us. "Did you see that?" Issie says laughing, "Yeah, I did." also laughing.

Louis' POV:


I'm scrolling on my phone when this girl comes up to me and says I look familiar. "My name is Maddison, I recognize you from somewhere. Mind if I sit down?" She sits down anyways, a bit abrupt. "Go ahead," I say. I'll probably get up and sit with Y/n and Issie anyways. "British, I can hear it in your accent." She says. Most people do hear it in my accent but she just has to address everything.

"As most people do," she goes on and on about how she loves London but I just stare at Y/n. She is staring back but i don't think she realizes, she looks zoned out. Probably wondering who this girl beside me is, I'm wondering the same thing.

"Well, I best be getting to my friends, have a good day" I say, getting up quickly. She gets up after me and leans in for a hug. I sort of dodge it because, if Y/n is watching then I wouldn't want her thinking that i like this girl. I just shake her hand instead. It's funny, I don't know why she went for a hug. I didn't know she existed 5 minutes ago. I can see Y/n and Issie laughing at their table, I laugh quietly while I walk over. I sit beside Y/n, I think I like her, I think I really like her. But I heard them talking about a cabana boy so there goes my shot. Like I had one anyways.

"Who was that?" Issie asks. "What a warm welcome. And some girl Maddison, pretty abrupt. Do you guys want to get out of here?" I ask. "Sure" Y/n answers, Issie just follows. "Maybe we should rent a cabana," Issie nudges Y/n. "Iss that is 100% the best idea you have ever had" "what do you think Louis?" Y/n asks. "Sure,". They really just have to rub in the cabana boy.

(a/n Ok so I'm really sorry about the "cliffhanger" on the last chapter and then not posting for a week. . . BUT THANKS FOR OVER 100 READS!!!!!!! i really appreciate it!!! this chapter doesn't seem long but its 905 words ok bye)

Fly Away~Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now