Fly Away 04

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 We finally made it to Mexico, we are all waiting to check into the resort. Louis walks up to the front desk first and asks what rooms are registered under Partridge. Issie and I are sitting on the beige lounge chairs by the glass front doors. There are plants everywhere and everything is brown with accents of green and blue.

"What do you mean only one room is booked?" Louis asks the woman with long blonde hair who is working at the front. We overhear him from the chairs at the front and look at eachother. One room has two beds, only enough room for me and Issie. Louis was supposed to have his own room. I don't get it, i thought Mr. and Mrs. Partridge booked two rooms.

"You must have it wrong, I'm 100 percent sure my parents booked two rooms." Louis tells the woman. "What are their names Mr. Partridge?"

"James and Liz," Louis tells her. "I'm sorry it looks like we have a limited amount of rooms open currently, due to popularity growth. Only a single room went through our registration system. I apologize sincerely for the inconvenience. We hope that you enjoy your stay!" The woman says to Louis. "Well thanks anyways, have a nice day." Louis turns on the tips of his feet and heads towards us. It's almost like I'm analyzing him more.

"Ok so, good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" Louis asks as he is walking towards us. "Bad news!" Issie and I say almost in sync.

"Well there's only one room booked and i can't get another one,sorry. On a lighter note, the staff is kinda nice." Louis says through a fake smile. "Great," I say sarcastically, "Louis?" Issie asks.


"That was the shittiest 'good news' I've ever heard" We laugh and head up to our room. The room I'm sharing with Louis Partridge. Room 349. I've only been out of the U.K a couple of times, so this is really exciting for me. Issie and I are going to have a great time.


Were finally settled in our room, squished, but settled. Issie and I stole the dresser and half the closet before Louis had any say in it. We wanted to unpack and then just go to sleep, we got on the plane at 8:00 and it was a 14 hour long flight. It would be 10:00pm in London but it's 5:00am here in mexico. 10:00pm isn't that late for my family so ill let them know we made it.



- Hey! We just got to the resort, but it's 5am here so i'm going to bed. Love you guys


-Aww, so glad to hear that!!! We love you guys, tell Issie And Lou I say hi. Goodnight hun❤️❤️❤️ dad says he misses you!


-Cool, night.


-tell him i miss him too, goodnight!


"You guys it's fine i can just sleep on the couch." Me and Issie were telling him he can have one bed and we'd share the other but he insists on sleeping on the couch.

"Fine Lou" Issie says

We just say goodnight and fall asleep almost immediately.

(a/n: so i forgot to show you the resort here it is :)

(a/n: so i forgot to show you the resort here it is :)

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I'm going to write one more chapter tonight, it might only get posted tomorrow though. next chapter there will be some tea with the beds. . . anyways the resort looks soooo nice, also let me know if you think the story is moving to fast or just comments in general, thanks!

k bye 


Fly Away~Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now