Fly Away 01

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I'm sitting on my suitcase whilst waiting for Issie to come pick me up. Her parents are making her brother come with us, which is upsetting because we wanted to have a "girls" trip. You know without Louis, he isn't a bad person or anything he just seems like one of those people who are full of themselves. Issie is 2 years older than me, she's 19. I don't remember how we met but we have been best friends since the last thing I remember. Louis is my age, 17. We have that in common, neither one of us have put any "effort" into getting to know each other.

I have already said goodbye to my parents and older brother, Nate. I look through the kitchen window when I see Issie pull in her white Ford truck with Louis in the passenger seat. Issie is leaning over Louis and waving at me. They're parents think it would be good for them to get away for a while.Especially Louis because he just finished filming his new movie, it's something about Sherlock Holmes and his sister I think. They think he needs a break, and its most likely he won't get noticed in Mexico.

"Bye, Love you guys! See you in 2 weeks!" I shout out before I run out the door. It's 6:00 am so no ones up yet.

"Hey!" Issie says. She is clearly excited to go to Mexico, we are staying at a resort called "Vidanta Riviera Maya"

"Hey guys!" I say jumping into the truck, hauling my suitcase in after myself We were all in sweatpants and sweatshirts, clearly no one dresses up to get on a plane, our flight is almost 14 hours long.

As Louis stays quiet in the front, Issie shoves him and he finally says "hey y/n," sarcastically. I just say "Hi," back to be friendly. We're spending two weeks together so we will have to find a way to get along. Me and Issie just talk about all the things we will do at the resort and on the plane. Issie called the window seat, so I will have to sit next to Louis, great.


We're boarding the plane when Louis tells me that "I can have the middle seat if i want,". I ended up taking the middle seat between Louis and Issie. Issie and I decide to watch The Notebook, one of our favourite movies to watch together. I'm extremely tired from waking up so early. Louis and Issie are asleep, so i figured that i could try and take a nap too.

I wake up to Issie laughing quietly, I look over at her. She has her hand slapped across her mouth holding in a laugh, her face is turning bright red.

"What?" I mumble, my question directed to Issie. That's when I realized I have my head resting against louis' shoulder. I lift my head quickly before realizing that Louis' head was resting on mine. Causing his head to fall and him waking up. I bury my face in my palm out of embarrassment and because I can feel myself blushing. At this point Issie is laughing so hard.

"Seriously Issie?" Louis asks in a tired raspy voice from just waking up. He looks just as embarrassed as me now.

"I'm not gonna lie, I totally ship this. And i took a picture by the way," Issie says through her laugh.

" Come on Iss, delete it!" Louis argues.

"No way, you guys are too cute! Dont worry i wont show any one." Issie argues back. Louis might not have been blushing as hard as me a couple minutes ago, but he is now.

"Oooh! Are you blushing, Mr. Partridge?" Issie asks her brother. I cannot believe i let that happen, I'm never going to hear the end of this. Never.


Sorry if the chapter is short, i will make up-coming ones longer

thanks for reading!

Fly Away~Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now