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There once was a brother in a set of five... He, his four brothers, and everyone they knew were in danger... There will be three alive... Two will not survive... Will things ever be okay one day? Are the chances zero, readers?

Zero chapters left :)

When the group came back to the village, they went to the village center where everyone seemed to be waiting for them.

Alaska was the first person to approach Russia. "Папа," he said. "There's– there's someone who wants to see you."

Russia nodded numbly and allowed Alaska to guide him through the crowd. They stopped in front of a countryhuman with an American flag on his face and Russia's hope instantly swelled. "Merrrik?"

Just when he said that, he realized that this person was different. This person had long hair tied back in a braid. His eyes were black, yes, but the irises were a pale gold, not silvery-white like the moon.

The person shook his head. "No," he responded sadly.

It was Confederacy.

"How? H-How is zis possible?"

"We don't know," Delaware croaked. "This shouldn't be possible. Countryhumans can't just change their representation to something someone else already represented. It's not possible."

"It is." Everyone in the surrounding area turned to see Joseon Dynasty. She gave them a sorry look. "When a countryhuman is on the verge of death, they can choose to give up their mantle, and once this is done, another countryhuman can represent what the original countryhuman represented. To do this, you need to partially severe one of your body parts, say you relinquish your mantle, then fully severe the part." Joseon sighed. "I'm really sorry, everyone."

Russia dropped to his knees, defeated. A new wave of tears and grief hit him hard. His shoulders shook as he cried and he looked so pitiful and small where he sat. "How– how long?" Russia asked, his voice unsteady. "How long have you been like this?"

"An– an hour and a half, maybe tw-two hours now?" Confederacy didn't have his southern accent anymore. "I was with th-the states, and–" He sniffed and wiped away some tears– "they said that my– that my face changed. And kept changing and changing, and when we s-saw that I'd– what I'd turned into... how did it happen?"

Russia looked down at his hands, which still had some of America's blood smeared on them. "He vas in prrrocess of being Hazed. Ve– ve verrre trrrying to get back herrre, but Amerrrika, he– he attacked China vhile he vas drrriving. He got out of karrr and I– I followed. He knew zat his Hazing vas bad, so he– he told me to shoot." Russia shut his eyes. "I didn't vant to. But I had to."

"You had to?! Please, by all means, explain to me why you had to kill my brother!"

"So many people vould've died! Amerrrika knew zis! He vould've killed a lot of people! And ze United States of Amerrrika, zey kould've starrrted a varrr! Vith itself orrr otherrr kountrrries!" Russia looked up at Confederacy pleadingly. "I didn't vant to do it. I rrreally didn't. You know I vould neverrr do zat to him."

Confederacy wanted to be mad. He wanted to scream, yell, punch a wall, do something.

But he couldn't.

Russia was right. America was right. Killing America was the safest thing to do.

Confederacy shut his eyes, collapsed to the ground, and cried with Russia. The rest of America's family and his friends followed joined in, grieving over their loss. Some of them joined the two countries on the ground while others stood. People hugged each other to try and comfort one another.

UN, who stood with the other international groups, minus NATO and ASEAN, looked at his coworkers. "The meeting, it didn't happen," he told them. "America was Hazed and advanced toward the minister, but then got out of it. The prime minister's guards tried pinning him down, but they were hurting him. Russia, he got mad and attacked the guards. The prime minister told us to forget the peace meeting and gave us one day to respond to his declaration of war."

"Oh God," EU breathed. "What do we do?"

"You know vhat ve need to do."

Everyone turned to look at Russia. He slowly stood up. His hands were balled up into tight fists. "Ve've known forrr a long time vhat ourrr answerrr is."

EU shut his eyes and sighed. "Russia–"

Russia whipped around, glaring at the union. A furious, grief-fueled fire danced in his eyes. "I know vhat you'rrre going to say, but zis isn't just about Amerrrika!"

EU didn't speak. Russia looked around at the sea of countryhumans. "Forrr long time now, ve've been hurrrt by ourrr goverrrnment. Ve've had rrrights strrripped avay. Ve've asked forrr help, and zey gave us none. Zey don't karrre about us. Zey neverrr have. Ve've fought quietly against zem forrr dekades. Zey vant to make zings official? Fine, so be it! If ze goverrrnment isn't going to help us, zen ve vill. Ve vill help ourrrselves."

The countryhumans looked at each other, coming to an agreement. This has gone on for far too long. They've already lost people because of the government's refusal to help them. It was time things changed.

"We'll help you as well."

The crowd parted to show Ticasuk. She walked towards Russia, stopping within arm's reach of him. "We've hidden for too long. We've submitted to these people when they don't care about us," she explained. "It's time that we took back our home."

Russia nodded and held out his hand. Ticasuk took his hand and shook it. "Now ve just need to make ourrr acceptance publik."

Around an hour later, Russia was outside in front of a camera. Germany was on a computer, connecting to a local news station. He gave a thumbs-up to NATO, who was behind a camera. NATO returned his thumbs up and held up his hand, counting down from three to one, and started filming.

"Prrrime Ministerrr Huxley Millerrr," Russia started. "Earrrlierrr today, you deklarrred varrr on all kountrrryhumans and gave us a day to answerrrr back. Zis is ourrr answerrr.

"Yourrr mistrrreatment of yourrr citizens is rrrevolting and inexkusable. You neglekt zeirrr needs, zeirrr kalls forrr help. Yourrr inability to rrrun zis kountrrry has kaused people to get hurrrt. People have died. People have gone missing forrr months. Zey vay you handle zese krrrises and many morrre is pitiful.

"It is bekause of yourrr inkompetence to lead and yourrr blatant diskrrrimination against minorrrities zat ze kountrrryhumans accept yourrr deklarrration of varrr. It is time zat someone brrrought you to justice."

The camera was turned off and the three countryhumans activated their disguises and walked away. As they walked away, Russia clutched America's arrowhead in his hand, running his thumb over the flat surface.

The countryhumans weren't just "handling a crisis." No, this was much more than that.

This wasn't just any crisis. This was war– a two-front war at that– and if they lost, it was over for them. This war is do or die.

Lmao I didn't mean to put that this is complete, sorry. And technically, I didn't lie about 67 being the last chapter since this is the epilogue =)

It actually didn't take too long to write this. I was just putting it off lol. I finished this in, like, an hour or two-ish.

We got #1 in #statehumans yesterday let's gooo

I am going to be doing two more parts: a bloopers, cut scenes, and extras part and a Q&A and final messages part. For the Q&A, you have now and the next part to ask questions. Feel free to ask them here! You can ask any character in the story. And no, you may not bring any sort of harm to anyone, no matter how much you want to do it. Remember, the characters are actors! They're acting! If you're mad, they're doing a good job! (but spanish empire and schutzstaffel aren't really acting-)

Also hey, if you made fanart, please let me know in the comments so I can put them in the next part ^^

Okay, that's all I've got for you guys for now! I hope y'all have a good week and I'll see you guys around! Love ya! Bye!

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