Chapter Thirty-Seven: The One With Russia Getting His Eye

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Russia laid in bed with America on top of him, his arms crossed on Russia's chest with his head resting on them. The two smiled at each other as wind lazily blew in through the window with sunlight filtering through the thin curtain that danced in the wind.

America shifted from his position and gave Russia a quick peck on the lips. "Good morning," he greeted him.

Russia smiled at America– his America– and gave him a soft kiss. "Доброе утро, любимая (Good morning, my love.) How vas yourrr sleep?"

"Good. You?"

"Good as vell."

America giggled, his black eyes glinting in the sunlight. He sighed contentedly as he laid his head in his arms. "This is nice. I just wanna stay in bed with you all day."

Nodding, Russia placed his hands on America's back. "I know. I do, too."

"What's stopping us from doing that?"

Russia grinned and kissed America again. "Absolutely nozing."

America beamed at him, sighing happily. After a bit, his smile became uncertain and tentative. "You really meant every word you said last night?"

Russia gave a sincere nod. "Everrry single one. I svearrr to you, Merrrik, I mean it. У меня нет слов, чтобы выразить восхищение. (I have no words to express admiration.) I love you with all my hearrrt, Merrrik, and I am neverrr letting you go forrr as long as ve both shall live."

America became relaxed again and practically melted onto Russia. "I should really stop doubting you."

"Да, it vould benefit you to do zat."

America laughed as comfortable silence returned. Well, maybe, not complete silence. From outside the room, Russia could hear faint chatter. He, however, paid no mind to it. Russia just smiled at America, the love of his life, who smiled back at him.

"You look amused," America noted after awhile. "What're you thinking of?"

Russia chuckled. "It's rrreally nothing. I just rrrememberrred–"



Russia sat up in bed and blindly threw his switchblade. Still dazed by the dream, Russia was confused on why he was in his room. It took a few seconds for him to remember that he'd gone home earlier that morning right after the meteor shower and fell asleep. America insisted that he stay, but Russia didn't have any of his stuff.

After remembering this, Russia frowned. He'd gotten the stubborn American to relent? Wait, this wasn't the first time it's happened. Wait–

Ukraine, who'd burst into the room a few seconds before, pointed and laughed at Russia. "Твоє обличчя! (Your face!)" he exclaimed, wrapping his unused arm around his stomach.

Kazakhstan came into the room, followed by Germany and Belarus. Kazakhstan bapped Ukraine on the head with his right wing. "Анам (Mom) said wake him up, not scare him out of his skin," he scolded.

Ukraine rubbed the back of his head, chuckling. "He's awake, isn't he? And his expressioin is priceless!"

Germany sighed. "Zis is vhy ve don't ask vu to vake any of us up."

Belarus looked at Russia and frowned. "Расія (Russia), are you alright?" she inquired. "Your face is red."

"I'm fine. I just had a citizen drrream," Russia lied.

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