500 Reads Special!

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Holy Jesus on a boat of yarn, thank you guys for 500 reads!

(Update: I now have over 600 reads, so I guess this can be a 600 reads special as well? And also wtf how is this number seven in #philippines?)

I now have a beta reader! Hi, Ali!

I've been reading my story to Ali, but I suck at reading out loud because I often fumble with my words. We'd make fun of each other for messing up because why not, and we'd also just joke around and not take what we're reading seriously, which gets us off-track really quickly.

So, here are those fumbles, jokes, and mess-ups in the form of bloopers~


America nodded. "So, are you two wanna help?" He paused, realizing his mistake as Georgia and Louisiana lost it, stumbling around the kitchen, laughing. "And this, kids, is why you need sleep."

Vee laughed. "Okay, cut!"


When the room was filled with countries and old governments, America looked around. After a few seconds of searching, he saw a tall, white, blue, and red-striped country wearing an ushanka.


America cupped is hands around his mouth. "Hey, whaddup, my handsome, sexy husband!" he yelled.

Everyone in the room laughed as Russia turned red with embarrassment. "Amerrrika!" he complained.

Ali shook their head, trying not to laugh. "Oh my God, what the heck?" they asked.

Vee giggled at their friend's reaction. "And cut!"


America looked at the two organizations and let out a groan. He opened his briefcase, took out a stack of papers, and handed it to EU. "Bitch," he said.

"Oi, language, motherfucker!" Ali reprimanded.

EU and UN wheezed while Russia laughed. America tried to maintain a straight face, but ultimately failed.

"And that's fifty cents into the swear jar, Ame," Vee told him. "Cut!"


America chuckled as he unlocked the door. "Yeah, ve kan go zerrre laterrr if you vant." Russia snickered as America processed what he'd done. "Wait a minute, that's not what I'm supposed to sound like."

"You zink?" Russia laughed.

America huffed and playfully shoved Russia away with his elbow. "I blame you entirely for this."


America paused and looked back at Russia. "Hey, do me try— wait." Russia laughed at America's flub. "I swear I can speak English!"

"Surrre you can," Russia replied.

America smirked. "Ha, I just asked you to do me."



Alaska, who was drinking kompot, started choking and coughing. Everyone around him instinctively jumped away from him.

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