Chapter Thirty-Eight: Representatives and Secrets

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Chapter warning: talk of bodily gore. I will put warnings around it and put the less descriptive version of it at the end of the chapter.

A few weeks have passed since Russia had gotten his eye. Thailand has had the biggest protest in six years because 10,000 people went to Bangkok to protest for reforms of the government and the monarchy. Apple became the first US company to be valued at $2 trillion (eat the rich, and God, just imagine what society could do with that much money). China got flooded, and so did Afghanistan. The west coast of the United States is on fire while the southern part of the United States, along with several Caribbean island nations, were being hit by hurricanes and other storms. A political rival of Vladimir Putin, Alexei Navalny, went comatose after being poisoned.

Wow, that's a lot of bad stuff. Has anything good happened? Well, WHO announced that Africa has eradicated polio because it's been four years since they had their last polio case. And would WAP by Cardi B becoming really popular be considered good news? You guys can decide. Oh, and a lot of people have started playing a video game called Among Us. Funny how humanity went from loving a cute game about living on an island away from humanity to loving a game where you kill people while they do menial tasks. Seems like a metaphor.

America walked downstairs, trying to make his tie straighter than his sexuality. He and Confederacy had a meeting, but it wasn't an ordinary meeting. How so? Well, OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation), PIF (Pacific Islands Forum), and SATO (South Atlantic Treaty Organization, also known as Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Sur) were going to start leading meetings with EU, UN, NATO, ASEAN, WHO, and AU. ISS (International Space Station) would also be sitting in on all of the meetings instead of some, taking notes on important discussion topics. This would be the first time they were all involved in the meetings like this.

OIC, PIF, and SATO all sat in on meetings with WHO and AU before and haven't actually helped run a meeting before because they had a system. Because part of the meetings were run by the representatives for countryhumans in parliament, they agreed to put four world groups in charge with the first two groups having the most responsibility. Chosen at random, those four were UN, EU, NATO, and ASEAN. The other groups were given a number, referring to a catastrophe stage. For example, if they felt the world was going into a Stage 3, the next three groups after UN, EU, NATO, and ASEAN would be added on to the number of people in charge of the meeting. In this case, the meeting leaders felt that the world had entered Stage 5.

Speaking of the representatives, the countryhumans were all going to be meeting with the countryhuman representatives for the first time ever. It was usually only the world groups that met up with them, but because of their agreement to be in one of the government buildings, they were required to meet with their representatives every two to three months.

Was America excited to meet them? Nervously so, yes.

He looked at Washington DC, who was talking to Confederacy near the stairs. Confederacy looked at him and sent him a small grin. "Hey, Ame," he greeted him. "Nice o' you to join us. You ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm ready," America responded, chuckling a little. He reached the bottom of the stairs and looked at DC. "You guys be safe, okay?"

"We will, Dad," DC responded, smiling at him.

America smirked at her. "Alright, good. I'd hate to come back to the house burned to the ground."

DC scoffed. "Tch, you worry too much. That won't happen."

As if on cue, California walked into the area with his shirt on fire. "Move, hoes!" he ordered. "Literal flaming gay bitch coming through! I'm going to the bathroom! Get out the way!"

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