Chapter Thirty-Six: A Night To Relax

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It's now August, over two weeks since the press conference incident. Since that day, Trump's made the announcement that TikTok would be banned from America, Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley, the astronauts who were launched into space by NASA and SpaceX back in May, had come back down to Earth, Belarus's citizens had started protesting against President Alexander Lukashenko and the Belarusian government, the Beirut explosion happened, putting Lebanon out of commission, and Russia supposedly came up with a coronavirus vaccine. That's not even all of the news.

Damn, what a month August is shaping up to be. And to think it's only been less than three weeks.

America and Russia were in Russia's living room. Nazi and Soviet had been called to a meeting for retired countries and Russia's siblings were out with friends, boyfriend in Estonia's case, so it was just the two of them in the house.

"I can't believe you would do this to me!"

"Merrrik, I have no choice."

America shook his head. "After all we've been through together, you're going to do this to me?"

Russia sighed."Merrrik, believe me; I'm on yourrr side, but I have to do zis. It's ze only zing I kan do."

America gave Russia a pleading look. "Russ, please, don't do this."

"I'm sorrry, Merrrik."

"No, please–"

Russia tapped the +4 card and clicked the red option. "Uno." America let out an agonized yell as he was given sixteen cards.

Yup, they were playing Uno on their phones while on a facetime call with the other players– Japan, the Korea brothers, China, Germany, and Poland. The eight of them were in teams of two, playing to gain one favour from everyone who lost against the winning team.

What sparked this? An argument between the Koreas.

"My God, Ame, you have so many cards now," Poland laughed.

"Goddamnit, Russ, I was on my last card!" America complained, glaring at Russia.

"Don't vorrry. Ve'rrre still going to vin zis," Russia assured him.

"You better. Otherwise, you two owe favours to the winning team," China reminded them. "Keep in mind that North and I both have one card left."

America sent Russia a pleading look. "Look, I don't care if we win. I'm not owing North any favours. Never again."

"I still haffe ze ffideo," Germany piped up.

"F in the chat for America's sanity," Japan said, giggling.

(Japan) TheUltimateWeebMaster: F

(Russia) Vodka_Man: F

(South Korea) Pepsi: F

(America) Oil_Boi: F

(Germany) Niemcy: F

(China) Stopofferingmeyourdogs: F

(Poland) 🅱️olandcanintospace: F

(North Korea) Mybrothermademejoin: F

"Wow, North, you're paying respect to my sanity?" America asked, laughing.

"I may not like you, but I wouldn't wish this on you," North Korea replied monotonously.

"Who would you wish this upon?" South Korea inquired.

"The anti-countryhuman maniacs." Everyone hummed in understanding and agreement.

A few rounds later, everyone but Germany, South Korea, and America was on their last card. They'd all abandoned their teams a couple of rounds ago because what happened to America kept happening to everyone else. It was every country for themselves. At the moment, it was South Korea's turn, and he was having difficulty trying to decide which card to choose because if he chose the wrong card, Russia could win.

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