💙Hugs and Losses💙

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This is a request from PotatoLeOtaku thank you for this one i had a lot of fun writing it :)
This is from Levi's perspective and there is no MC

Pain. Pain and... ground. It wasn't soft. Dead grass poked, prodded, and stabbed Leviathan's naked body. He looked up to see where was, only to see the forest floor a few feet away from where was in his crater. The crater he no doubt made. 

He rolled from his stomach where he landed to his back, but he quickly moved back to where he was when the pain blacked out his vision. With a groan, he instinctively moved his back muscles to check if his wings were alright. The scream that echoed through the forest where he landed scared a few birds into flying away from the wailing man.
Gone. Entirely gone.
The muscles pulled at nothing. Dusty air tickled the skin and tendons. The skin and tendons usually covered by feathers. Tears fell from his eyes, making every single one of his muscles tighten and release over and over again. Rubbing salt, and literal dust, into the wounds. He rested his head on his arms, hoping the pain would stop soon. He let out another throat-ruining scream. The pain wouldn't end soon at all.

The base of his back felt like it opened itself up and the muscles around it moved around. He was afraid to look back to see what had happened, deciding to wait for the waves of pain to pass. 

Just as his tears died down, he heard a heart-wrenching scream. A scream he recognised. He scrambled up and hissed through the pain towards the lengthening scream that was slowly turning into wailing cries. A way away in another angel-made clearing, was his younger brother.

Asmodeus was in the same position Levi was in a few minutes ago; his bare body shaking in pain. The only difference was Asmo had wings to flutter around. The black, unfamiliar, and leathery wings were covered in blood and old, detached feathers. They weren't very big, reached only a hands length away from his back. Levi ran over to his brother and knelt next to him. 

"My— I—please it hurts!" Asmo's lips trembled as he tried to tell Levi what hurt.

"I know... I know... I really do." He went to run a hand through Asmo's hair, but he stopped when Asmo hissed in pain. Small, pointy black horns were sticking out from his head. Levi ran his hand through his own hair, unsure what to do, only to hiss in pain himself. With the rest of his pain, he must not have felt the small crown of horns growing from his own head. 

Asmo's tears quieted for a second before another wave of pain hit him and he screamed silently, his entire body shaking. Levi remembered the same thing happened to him when his back hurt, so he looked past Asmo's face to his back. His heart squeezed when he saw a small tail inch it's way through Asmo's pale skin. 

Another two screams off in the distance wrenched Levi's attention away from Asmo. He looked at Asmo's face and back to where the screams were. The twins.  Levi knew what the screams were for, what they were going through, and he didn't want them to go through it alone. They had each other, but two people in pain couldn't help each other very well. 

Levi pushed his constant throbbing pain back further.

"What do you want Asmo?" His throat was raw from his screams, the words only coming out in whispers. 

"Go. I'll catch up." Asmo panted, his eyes wide and staring at the ground. The yellow and pink eyes shook as he tried to manage the pain himself. 

Nodding, Levi got up again and ran towards the young angel's--no, demon's--screams, making sure to set Asmo's head down as gently as he could.

Beelzebub and Belphegor sat upright in their own extra-large clearing. They each held the other's hands tightly. Levi ran over and hoped he knew what he was doing. He quickly moved Belphie to the laying position he and Asmo were in and motioned for Beel to do the same. With a little struggle, they were screaming in their own demon-form-induced pain. All Levi could do was watch as Belphie's back muscles moved empty air and Beel grow a wet pair of fly wings from his back. 

Beel was quick to try and stand, muttering under his breath. Levi tried to make him sit back down, fully prepared for him to start growing his own tail. Instead, Beel moved closer to Belphie and cried over his head, still muttering. Belphie was the one who started screaming and growing a small tail from his back. The end was covered in blood, but the shape still resembled a cow's. Levi silently moved Beel's hands away from Belphie's head, pointing to the wide horns poking out from his head. 

Not long after that Asmo staggered through the forest, clutching his left arm. Heart-shaped tattoos showed through the hand holding it. A hopeful look on Asmo's face stayed as he saw Beel was looking back at him. Belphie was still suffering quietly on the ground, but everyone knew there was nothing they could do. 

Levi knew Mammon, Lucifer, and Lilith were still unaccounted for, but with no way to find them unless they screamed, he stayed with his brothers. His eyes grew heavier and heavier, but he refused to sleep, telling his brothers he would keep watch out for the others. Belphie fell asleep as soon as the words left Levi's mouth, and the other two were quick to follow. 

His insides felt... funny. That was the only way he could put it. He wanted to sleep. He wanted to sleep so bad but he had already told himself he didn't need it. Seeing his brothers' chests rise and fall in peaceful sleep made his own burn. He wanted to sleep too. It was a small feeling, but he's never felt like this, at least not when he was an angel. 

Leaves rustled behind him and he turned to see his other two brothers. Lucifer carried Mammon into the clearing, setting down the sleeping form next to the others. Lucifer wasn't bare like the rest of them. He was covered in a bright red jacket reaching past his knees. The back was torn open, and his wings similar to his angel form were on full display. The only difference was two were missing and the four left were pure black.  A diamond tattoo was on his forehead and small horns poked out from the sides of his head in the same black as his wings and hair. 

Levi turned to the new addition to the sleeping pile. Mammon had leathery wings like Asmo's, and white lines over his entire chest, reaching halfway down his arms. His white hair covered them, but Levi was sure tiny spikes had grown out of his head, matching everyone else. Turning back to Lucifer he had so many questions: Tears threatened to fall from Lucifer's eyes, why was he holding them back? Where did the red coat covering him from the frigid air come from? Where was his sister?

The second was answered with Diavolo, the demon prince of the Devildom, walking through the forest, from the same direction Lucifer had come in. His pants had a matching red stripe to the jacket Lucifer was wearing. 

The next question, where his sister was. Levi's throat hurt too much to say anything but he counted his brothers and pointed to the seventh finger. Lucifer looked Levi in the eye and the tears Levi thought were dried up started falling. A small shake of Lucifer's head made Levi wail, waking up his brothers. Lucifer didn't look away, his red eyes watching as the rest of his brothers wondered why Levi was crying. 

The twins knew. That was obvious. One look at Lucifer made Beel stand up, audibly hissing in pain and walk away from the rest of them. He walked straight into another demon, one with a teal strand in his hair. He handed him a robe, and Beel slid it on. He didn't stop walking, going past a few trees before sliding down and sitting at the base of a wider tree. Belphie sat still, staring at the ground, and when Asmo and Mammon asked what was wrong, he only shook his head. 

Levi calmed down a bit and whispered what happened, "She's not here. She's not going to be."

The teal-haired demon handed out robes to the crying boys, passing out tissues next. Eventually, Belphie tried to crawl over to his twin. It took him a while, mostly because no one moved to help him. He curled up into Beel's slightly bigger frame, and the two didn't look back at the rest. 

Finally, Diavolo started to speak, "I would've have hoped to welcome the rest of you under better circumstances, but even under these unfortunate events, as the prince of the Devildom, I welcome you all to my home, and I hope you can make it your own."

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