Langauge Part 3

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Satan POV

He walked through the portal after the lesson with Y/N with the biggest grin. "Hello Satan, did you have a good time at your book club?" Barbatos said to Satan as he closed the portal. "Of course." He's had plenty of practice with this lie with all the times he and Y/N have met up.

It may not be an official rule, but humans aren't supposed to learn the language of demons. Barbatos nodded. Positive that the lie worked again, Satan almost skipped to the house of Lamentation. He stopped for a second to tone down the uncharacteristic smile on his face. When he walked in the door, he caught the back end of a conversation.

"Now mammon, I expect this house to stay exactly as it is right now. If I hear one thing is not where it is supposed to be then I'll hang you from the chandelier for a month." Mammon visibly shuddered before nodding his head.

Noticing Satan's entrance, Lucifer said, "Oh, you're finally back. Lord Diavolo's having me go up to the human realm for a week, so don't make a mess of the library again." Satan rolled his eyes and nodded his head to show he heard him. No one bothered him as he went back up to the security of his room. When he shut the door, he sat in his reading chair and pulled out the book Y/N had got him. It still had the new book smell that he loved. He opened the book and started reading it. It was early the next morning before he finally got up out of the chair and put the book on his nightstand bookshelf. The place for his favourite books.


You were walking down the sidewalk with your nose stuck in your notebook. You couldn't figure out why %$^k conjugated to %$^k' instead of %$^k' like you thought it should. The next thing you knew your butt was on the ground and your notebook was next to a man's brown dress shoes in front of you.

"I apologise. I wasn't watching where I was walking." The man said as he bent down to grab your notebook. He wore clothes that were way too formal for a walk around town. Slacks were matched with a red and black two-tone vest, and a heavy-looking coat was draped over his shoulder. "No, no. My nose was stuck in my book. I really shouldn't study while I'm walking." You got up from the ground to look at the man. He had a shocked look on his face as he stared at your open notes. "Where did you get this?" His polite tone disappeared as sone as he looked at you. The hair on your arms stood on end as his red eyes seemed to look into your soul. "It-it's just n- notes." You stammered out. "Come with me." He grabbed your hand and dragged you to a nearby alleyway. This is it. This is where you die.

At the end of the alley, he turned to you and whisper-yelled at you. "Do you even know what this is?!" His black hair bounced as his anger took ahold of him.

You thought to yourself, if you were going to die right here, you might as well put up a fight. "What's so wrong about it? I'm just learning a new language. It's not like it the nuclear weapons code!"

His eyes narrowed at you. "Who taught you this?" "Why do you want to know?" "Tell me." His eyes started to glow a bright red and it scared you enough to drop the tough-guy act. "I call him S." "What does he look like." "Umm, blonde, fluffy hair, blue-green eyes. Why is this so important?" He let go of your hand and whispered under his breath, "He is dead." "Wait, are you going to tell me what's going on?" "No, for all you need to know, this is an illegal practice, and I will be confiscating this." He walked away before you could get anything out. You pulled out your phone and texted S.

[Hey, this guy just walked up to me asking about you. Is blondish illegal?]

[No... what did he look like?]

[Black hair, dressed way to fancy with a big coat over his shoulders. He had red eyes too.]


That was the last text you got back from him. You tried to text him again and again, but your phone told you that he hadn't read any of them. 

Satan POV

He ran out of the living room he was in and to his room. Lucifer had found Y/N. "Why are ya runnin'?" Mammon yelled as Satan ran through the hall. "He might actually kill me this time!" Mammon's eyes widened as he went to follow his younger brother. "What in the world did you do?" "Taught Devilish to a human." Mammon stopped and put his hands in the air. "Welp, at least it's not me. See ya at your funeral."

Satan rolled his eyes and shut himself in his room before he realised. Lucifer could get anywhere he wanted to if he tried hard enough. Just after that thought, Lucifer appeared before Satan, demon form out and blazing with a notebook in his hand. One that he recognized.

"You didn't hurt them, right?" Lucifer was caught off guard. Usually, when Satan knows he's going to get punished, if he even did talk, he only spoke in insults towards his older brother.

"No, I didn't hurt them, but I will hurt you. Why would you even think about teaching that to a human? You know that has never ended in anything good. If Diavolo heard about this-" "Yeah yeah, he'll punish me worse that you. I don't give a FUCK. What did you tell them?" Lucifer's anger diminished a little more. This was very weird coming from him. "Not to worry about it and that it was illegal. Do you know the implications of this?" "Yes, and I did it anyway."

If any human was taught how to write and understand Devilish, it could easily turn them into a threat. Many powerful spells were written in it, and the last time a human learned it, they tried to murder the Demon King, Diavolo's father.

"Why did you do it?" Lucifer's anger grew again at Satan's retort. "It's none of your business." Lucifer kept interrogating him until he finally gave up trying to get a real answer. "Give me your D.D.D." Satan threw the phone at him. Lucifer caught it, opened it, and saw Y/N's contact information. He blocked and deleted the number. "You are forbidden from travelling to the human world for the next 10 years. And I don't believe I should worry about that book club of yours anymore." He gave Satan another disappointed look. "Finally, if you contact the human again, I'll extend the ban for another 20 years."

He walked out of the room and Satan felt angry. He always felt angry about a fight with Lucifer, but this time was different. He had finally found someone who understood him. Who shared his love for learning. Who he could be comfortable around without walking on eggshells. Y/N didn't know about how many times he's levelled buildings because of his temper. How many times he's hurt other people just because they walked up to him in the middle of his book. Y/N felt comfortable around him. And Lucifer had just taken them away from him. 

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